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"Seth will be there?" Serina asked uncertainly as Chase explain to her the plan.

"Yes" Chase answered simply, studying her face.

Chase with his raven black hair and grey eyes is a very handsome man. He's tall like his cousins and like his older brother, the King, he always look serious and have this aloof personality that is very mysterious that one can't help but be drawn to, like a moth to a flame. When she first was introduce to him, he stared at her for a long time it made her uncomfortable.

Serina bit her lip worriedly.

"He will look for you the moment he found out you're also at Luca's engagement party so no matter what happen don't ever leave my side or agreed to go off with him alone. It will ruin the plan. Do you understand?" Chase said in a deadly serious tone.

She meet his eyes and asked, "He will be forceful--"

"No, he won't" Chase cut in, frowning. "That's not the Seth I know. He's calm and cool all the time so he will not do something forceful" he finished.

Again she bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything more. If Chase believes Seth will behave then who is she to say otherwise. She hope Chase is right and Seth will not do anything to embarrass her or himself.

At her nod, Chase then stand up and went out the door without a word of goodbye.

She sigh. This royal family is really not a force to be reckon with. They're like a whirlwind that will blast anyone who stand in their way. They do as they please whenever they please and everyone needs to adjust to them, not the other way around. How did she ever get involve in this?

The moment they landed on Latrommi, Kylian took her to the Earl's mansion that leave the latter in shock. Told her to look for the journal and after she handed the journal to him, he turn to the Earl and told him to pack her things up and send it to that address as he handed the Earl a note. He then took her elbow and almost drag her out of the house, not allowing her to say her goodbye to the still frozen Earl. After that, he just drop her on Chase's doorstep with a parting words of "I'll keep in touch" and left.

She's looking forward to his every call because it always features Seth. What Seth is doing, eating, wearing and feeling. Her heart is full with mix emotion but she always end up feeling lonely after every conversation.

Now, they expect her to face Seth? How can she ever look at him without feeling pain in her heart or bursting into tears. She miss him so much she still cry herself to sleep. How can she smile and pretend everything is fine when it's not?

She got up from her chair and move to stand beside the window, looking at the back garden.

Chase 'safehouse' as they call it, is a very beautiful mansion with three story H shape style. But she's a prisoner here, she can't even walk out of her room without a guard.

Taking a deep breath, Serina close her eyes and lean her forehead on the window. She will just have to endure until the night of the engagement party then she will decide what she's going to do. For now, she just need to stay focus on her part and hopefully surprise herself that she can act.


Seth took a breath when Kylian slowly reach for a sweet on the table and eat it in one bite.

"We're not having a tea party for you to act all relax and fucking stop eating" Seth said scornfully.

He knows he's being unfair but the King forbidden him to see Serina until Nash is behind bars then force him to work with Kylian of all people! He tolerated his cousin since he always has news about Serina and he's like a starving man who listens to every word Kylian said and the bastard knows it, he sometimes keep information or took his fucking time telling him.

Not being able to see Serina is getting to him. He's on edge, he even made his old secretary cry! That made him feel like an eel but he just can't help himself. He's impatient and that's so out of his character his employees make sure to steer clear of him.

He stop trying to locate Serina when Kale mention on that meeting that Chase is taking care of her. Chase, 2nd in line to the throne is Kale's younger brother and handles security. If Chase don't want you to find something then you can never find it. He knows because he also avail Chase's service when his client life is in possible danger.

Chase is also hiding Nash's rape victim and Seth is now personally handling the case. He already have all the information from his lawyers who handles it before and only spoke to the girl once to inform her of the changes.

"But I'm enjoying the moment" Kylian answered with a smile then turn serious. "So it's decided then that we're doing this on Luca's engagement party next week?"

Luca is one of their cousin and 3rd in line to the throne, he's also Etienne's older brother. He finally decided to announce his engagement and set a date to marry the girl his late parents went to the trouble of getting him engage to. They all know it's a bad decision, especially Etienne, but when Luca made up his mind no one can change it. They also know it took him this long to decide because he's lusting after his bride's poor cousin but that's another story and they concede to mind their own business.

"Yes. Everyone will be there and we have a reason to invite Nash without him thinking it's some kind of a sabotage. Only the people involve knew of the case and of course all of us in the royal family" Seth explain.

"That's too much people in my point of view" Kylian said in a frown then carefully asked, "The girl agreed?"

"Yes. Chase said she agreed" Seth answered with a raise brow. "Do you not agree with this plan?"

"I just don't believe the girl will ever agree to confront Nash. She looks weak and defeated when I saw her" Kylian said slowly.

"Well, she did and Chase will handle the security himself so there's nothing to worry about" Seth said unemotionally.

"Ah. How cold. So you don't care what happen to this girl? She's just a means to an end?" Kylian said, reclining back in his chair. "What if she can't handle it mentally when they meet?"

"She'll be safe, that's all that matters. And she should not have agreed if she can't handle it" Seth said in a shrug.

"You will sacrifice an innocent traumatize girl just to finally see the woman you love?" Kylian said, there's a sadistic smile on his lips.

Seth meet his stare coldly and asked, "Don't you?"

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