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Serina was about to take her clothes off to take that shower when she finally remember to ask Kyna about the child. Going out of the room she found Kyna holding the tray in front of the study room.

"Do you need help with that?" Serina called out and walk towards her.

"Thank you, my lady. If you can just open the door?" Kyna said in relief.

Serina smile, knock and turn the knob, as soon as she push the door open her eyes meet up with Kyian's. He give him a pleasant smile but there's mischief in his eyes then turn towards his cousins.

"Are you going to marry her?" Kylian asked.

She suck in a breath and waited while Kyna give her a smile as she enter.

"Are you finally going senile? Of course he can't. He's already engage!" Vane answered.

Serina went rigid and pale. Her hands tighten on the doorknob for support. She then heard a loud clash and found Kyna looking shocked with broken glasses.

Not meeting anyone's eye she went down on her knees and started to gather the broken glass.

"My lady, I can do that! I'm so sorry" Kyna exclaimed and also went to her knees to gather broken glass and put it on the tray.

She doesn't know if Kyna is sorry because of the mess or because of the news that Seth is engage.

Engage, she thought. For how long? Why didn't he tell her? Why does he keep her when he's already with someone? Is he sleeping with her whenever he fly back to Latrommi? And who is she? Why is there no news of it? Does her uncle knows and just decided not to tell her? Why--?"

"My lady, you're bleeding!" Kyna exclaimed in a worried voice.

She look at her blooded hand fisting a broken glass and paled even more as she let the glass go.

"The fuck are you doing?!" She heard Seth shouted and in an instant, he was kneeling beside her and was about to grab her hand when she quickly hug it to her chest.

"Please don't touch me" she whispered in a cold voice. As cold as she is feeling right now.

She's nothing to him. For the past six months, she's just a warm body that is always available. She was startled out of her musing as Seth grab her jaw roughly and made her look at him.

"Fucking shut up" he hissed. Face close to hers.

Brown glazed eyes meet blazing blue eyes.

"Nothing changes! You're still mine!" Seth said in a heated voice.

Am I really? She thought, blocking him out as his hands tighten on her jaw.

"Seth, she's still bleeding" someone commented softly but she can't be bother to identify him.

She doesn't feel anything aside from being cold and that's a good thing right? Yeah. It's a good thing. She frown. Well, probably not. She hope she's not coming on something.

She felt Seth carry her in his arms and carefully sit her on the sofa of the study but she did not acknowledge him and keep to her thought. She felt people around and someone taking care of her hand but she focus her eyes on the floor.

She's not going to prison for ignoring a Prince, right? And four Prince at that. Well, she will just said she lost a lot of blood and can't really focus on them. With that thought, she finally feel the pain on her hand, she move her eyes to look at it and frown. That's a lot of blood for just a broken glass, she thought, she hope no one will tell her it needs to be cut off for her to live cause she really don't want to be a one-hand person.

"You will not lose your hand so stop worrying" an amuse male voice said as he carefully clean the wound.

She finally look up and clash eyes with Kylian's grey amuse eyes.

"There's a lot of blood" she pointed out.

"Because the glass hit a vein when you take it upon yourself that it will not cut you even if you fist your hand" he explain carefully like she's a child, looking at her wound as he continued to apply pressure on it.

"I don't like you" she blurt out.

Kylian lift his head in shock. A laugh distracted her and she turn her head a little to find Vane and Etienne on a chair opposite and laughing while Seth sits beside her without touching her. His face devoid of emotion but he's watching her face with those deep blue eyes.

She turn her head back to look at Kylian. "I really didn't mean that" she tried to sound apologetic.

"Of course you do" Kylian said warmly and the side of his lips went up with a ghost of a smile.

She frown at him. "What happen to your lips?" She blurt again and sigh when she heard Vane and Etienne laugh. They're annoying the hell out of her.

She blush when they laugh harder."I didn't mean to say that out loud but I'm really glad I'm making you two laugh though I'm not getting the joke"

Vane and Etienne just give her a warm smile.

"Let's just say I deserve it" Kylian said after a moment and she turn her head back to him. His head bent as he check the wound then applied ointment on it.

Did Seth hit him because he force the truth out? Well, he deserve it. She prefer to be blissfully ignorant of Seth's engagement as long as possible. With that thought, she suck in a breath as her heart feels like someone is squeezing it.

She fist her undamaged hand on her lap and gather her courage to look at Seth. Her throat dry and she feel like crying but she fought it back.

"W-W-When were y-you..." She cleared her throat, not able to say it without bursting into tears and bent her head to look at her lap, not able to meet his eyes any longer.

"A year and a half" Seth said softly.

She flinch not from the wound as Kylian wrap it in a bandage. A year and a half. No wonder he did not come for her after two years as he said. He was busy with his fiancee. Then why keep her? He should have send her away as soon as he got himself engage and save her from this heartache. She thought wildly, fighting for breath.

"It's done" Kylian murmured softly and stand up.

She lift her head and found him looking at her oddly. She also felt Vane and Etienne's eyes on her while Seth sigh beside her. She gather she says that out loud too and bite her tongue hard enough she tasted blood.

"We'll leave you two alone to talk" Etienne offered and stands up.

"No!" She cried out in panic and grab Kylian's sleeve before he can turn away.

She paled and bite her lower lips. She don't want to be alone with Seth right now! Looking at him hurts and they expect her to talk to him? She will die! Tightening her hold on Kylian's sleeve, she beg him with her eyes to save her. Kylian didn't say anything and keep on looking at her oddly.

"Serina, let him go" Seth said in cold quiet voice.

"Do you have something for the pain?" She chocked out desperately, standing up and still not letting go.

"Serina" Seth said dangerously. He stand so close to her, she can feel his body heat.

She close her eyes and whispered softly that only Kylian and Seth hear her. "Please, I can't talk to you right now. I can't even look at you"

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