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Seth look down as Serina slump down in defeat. He's still holding her hips and he's still hard inside her.

Gritting his teeth and hardening his heart, he fuck her hard until he felt her pussy wall started to squeeze really hard and she gave a deep moan. That's when with a growl he withdraw and spill his cum on her back.

Breathing hard, he move off her and walk towards the en suite bathroom. Clenching his fist when he heard her sob but did not turn around and close the bathroom door gently.

Turning the shower on, he place both his palm on the tile wall and let the water hit his down bent head down his body.

He never use sex as punishment. He never had the need to punish anyone at all. Serina, she bring out the worst of him and he didn't like it. He usually ignore people when they piss the hell out of him but when it comes to her, he just can't control himself.

Lifting his head to look when the shower door opens, he found Serina standing uncertainly. Naked. His cock harden so fast, he gritted his teeth to prevent a groan. Not making any move though, he waited. She squirm under his scrutiny then took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy or defy you or insult you or anything like that. It's just that you're very private with your thoughts. You want everything to go your way. I'm so exasperated sometimes I want to scream" she said in a small voice, hands clasp in front of her.

Seth lips twitch on the side. He sigh and straighten then turn to fully face her.

"Come here" he said softly and almost laugh when she move fast and jump hug him.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he hug her closer and kiss her forehead. He find that he can't really stay angry at her. He's already angry with himself for what he did.

"You're the only person I know that says sorry and at the same time putting the blame on me" he murmured against her hair.

"I act childishly--"

"You're still a child" he cut in.

Lifting her head from his shoulder, she lean her head back a little then frown at him.

"I'm not a child! I'm 21" she said defiantly.

"And you know nothing of the world" he give her lips a quick kiss when she open her mouth to argue. "What you know is from books or movies that you've watched. Your uncle is a recluse and he made you a recluse also. The only social event that you ever attended was when we first meet and then I claim you as mine and hide you from the world too so that made it partially my fault" he finish with a deep breath.

He only talk this much when he's in a hearing. He doesn't explain his action to anyone and he never ever apologize. She may have bring out the worst in him but she also bring out the best.

"I'm not complaining! It's my choice. I prefer to just be around people that cares about me" she said firmly.

He meet and held her gaze. So innocent. And he will do everything to keep that innocence.

Making up his mind, he bend down his head and claim her lips in a possessive kiss. Turning around, he push her back onto the tiled wall, water running down their bodies. He then lift her legs to wrap around his waist. Without breaking the kiss, he move one of his hand to cup her buttock to support her while the other caress her breast.

Finally breaking the kiss with a gasp, he bend down to suck one nipple while his thumb play with the other.

She cried out and arch her back. Her arms tighten around his neck.

Letting her breast go, his hand travel down between her thigh and caress her clit then down to put a finger inside her while he suck her nipple.

She cried out as she cum. Withdrawing his finger, he align his cock to her and thrust deep.

She moan and bit his shoulder as he started to move inside her. Letting her breast go, he buried his face in her neck as he pound into her. Stroking her pussy wall with his cock, going deeper and deeper.

He felt her juices flooded his cock and she scream as she cum. Groaning against her neck, he give one last thrust then cum deep inside her.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until their breathing return to normal. He put on her feet then without a word started to wash her then himself.

She just stand there and watch him without saying anything. For the first time, she's not murmuring her thought.

He smirk down at her as he finish and turn off the shower. Grabbing the back of her head, he bend and claim her lips in a soft sweet kiss. There lips is the thing touching.

"Make up sex is really something" she whispered softly when he release her lips, eyes glaze as she look up at him.

He still then burst into a laugh. "Is it, isn't it?" He murmured as he started to towel her dry then himself and carry her back to the rumpled bed where he continue to keep the glaze pleasured look on her face until early morning.

Serina was leaning back against a chair and staring at Seth, waiting for him to finish his work for the day. He's in a call right now, frowning.

Days turn to weeks. And weeks turn into months. They keep to their routine and he banning her from the study was lifted after that day of her punishment.

Now, they've been together for six months and the love she felt for him keep growing. He occasionally flew back to Latrommi but he never stay away for more than two days. He actually just got back yesterday in a bad mood but he didn't open up to her when she asked.

She sigh and bit her tongue. Does he feel something more for her? Will he learn to love her? There's no indication of anything more. He will open up about his family and work then he will suddenly turn cold and angry and walk out, locking himself in his office. After a few hours he will come out and fuck her hard. She doesn't understand him. He still make her angry sometimes but now she's learning to hold her tongue whenever she think of something. A few times, she found him looking at her oddly and when she ask why, he will close down and ignore her.

She was startled out of her thought and focus on his one sided conversation when he said in a savage tone. "I put you in charge because I believe you can win this case! Am I wrong to believe that?... Then, stop whining about my cousin making it difficult for you! If you can't handle it then say so!... No! I will not negotiate!"

She flinch when he put the phone down on the table with a loud bang. He then started to furiously type something on his laptop.

Learning her lesson the last time, she keep quiet and waited on him.

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