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Seth smile to himself thinking of Serina. It's been two years today since they last saw each other and he can't wait to take that flight he arrange tonight and finally stake his claim on her. He groan when he felt his cock harden. Well fuck, two years of celibacy will do that to you, he thought.

Even his cousins is starting to get curious about his sex life. One even asked him forthright if he finally found himself and turn a new leaf! He just gave that cousin of his a cold stare but the stupid man just laugh which he ignores as usual.

Reaching the King's private office, he frown when he open the door and found the King not alone.

"Seth, please" King Kale said and indicate the chair beside him.

He took the chair and give the King a glance then greet the Duke of Ethidrahs. The old duke give him in an uncertain smile and greeted him back.

He did not speak and waited for them to explain. The silence was so deafening the old duke started to squirm in his seat while he and the King seated comfortably. He give the duke a fleeting glance and keep his eyes on the King. This is not good, he thought but keep quiet.

"Your Majesty?" the old duke finally prompted.

King Kale give a sigh and Seth raised his brow at him in inquiry. What is this about? he thought but keep it to himself. He will not lose with the dramatic game the King is playing right now by asking.

"We decided that you will marry Lady Krystal, the duke's youngest daughter" Kale said in quiet voice.

Seth went rigid and he glance at the old duke sharply who is not looking at them and then stare at Kale.

"What are you talking about now?" he said between gritted teeth. He did not just heard what he heard, he thought and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"This is for convenience only. You can divorce her after the Duke of Eladrevir and my eldest daughter finally marries" the old duke said in a hurry and then cup his face in defeat. "I'm really sorry for asking you of this but I have to do something for Krystal to finally live her life and for Jewel to stop hurting her sister" he lift his head to look up at Seth with defeated, pleading eyes.

"Explain" he said in a cold voice.

"You remember how my first wife was, right?" At Seth's flinch, the old duke nodded and continued. "She's not the warmest of person I know and she hate Jewel with a passion when she was pregnant with her cause it curtail her from the parties and social gatherings. When Jewel was born she ignores her and I tried to cover that with material things. I'm not trying to excuse her, I know her but she's still my daughter" taking a deep breath the old duke at them both.

Seth nodded while Kale just keep quiet.

"My first wife died when Jewel was eight years old and I married my mistress the same year. We already have a one year old child then which was Krystal. My second wife is a kindhearted person. She tried to take care of Jewel but Jewel was already brainwash by her mother. I know it's all my fault but I thought if I give her whatever she wants she will be happy. Krystal is kind and as much as possible give way for Jewel but Jewel hate her. As a father I want both my daughters to be happy" pausing to cup his face in his hands again, the duke look older that his age.

"What happen?" Seth asked softly when the duke stayed quiet for too long.

"I found out a few days ago when I overheard my daughters conversation that Krystal is in love with Ian and Jewel knows it, that's why she did everything to make Ian notice her and finally announce their engagement..." The old duke look at them, looking embarrass.

Seth gritted his teeth, he's so irritated with the old duke for dragging things out and the hell he cares who is in love with who? He just want to get this over with so he can tell them to go to hell and go to Serina to fuck her until they both can't move.

"Is there any point to this? If you're just waiting for my answer then it's a no" he said irritably and made a move to stand up but what Kale said stops him.

"I know where you're going, Seth"

Seth turn to Kale sharply. Cold blue eyes meet unemotional grey one.

"If you don't agree to this marriage you will never see her again" Kale said in a calm voice.

"Don't even try to control me" Seth said in a dangerous voice, body stiff for battle.

"We're born with it so calm down and listen" Kale said in an authoritative tone that Seth flinch.

"Is that a command from the King?" He grit out.

"It is" the king said quietly.

Seth fist his hands and turn to glare at the old duke. The duke paled and turn his eyes away.

"Just fucking summarize it. I don't need to fucking know the whole fucking story!" He said harshly.

Looking paler than ever, the duke eyes widen then look at Kale for help.

Like hell?! Who's older here? His cousin or the duke? Did the King put the idea into the Duke's head? Of all the fucking people to be involve, why the King? Seth took a deep breath and calm himself. I will not hit my cousin. He's a King and his word is law but the fuck is he thinking getting involve?

He's not surprise he knows about Serina. He knows everything even when they were kids. He's the most controlling person in the family and he's not shy to use his title to get what he wants especially if he's using it within the family.

"Jewel likes hurting people and is very jealous of Krystal who is a martyr and still waiting for Ian to wake up. So we decided for you to marry Krystal for Jewel to finally set a wedding date. Two years of engagement is enough for everyone to know what they want. You can get a divorce as soon as Ian and Jewel married. I will suction the marriage and the divorce. Everyone can move on with their life after that" Kale said in an unemotionally, staring at his face and waiting for any reaction.

He did not give him what he wants and said instead in a cold sarcastic voice, "Isn't that nice? You planned my future marriage and future divorce all in one breath"

Kale did not answer and just stares at him. The old Duke keep his silence.

"And what do I get in return?" He asked seriously.

"Whatever you want" Kale answered in the same tone.

"Stay away from her and don't interpose with my relationship with her" Seth said harshly then without saying anything else, got up and leave.




First of all, thank you for reading another chapter of TPM.

Sorry that it took one whole chapter for just a flashback. I didn't know I'm going to write it this long until I did haha.. Now, there's going to be two villain that I didn't see coming until this chapter.

Well, I hope you still enjoyed it and please don't forget to vote or comment.

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