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When Serina opened her eyes, it was Seth's smile that she first saw then her eyes move up to his eyes to find him looking down at her with lust.

"What happened?" she asked then gasped when she move her body and find him still hard and deep inside her. Her pussy wall started to squeeze his cock again, she's not sure if she's trying to keep him inside her or to push him out.

"You fainted from pleasure. It happens" Seth answered, slowly pulling out of her.

"Oh" she moan when she felt pleasure, her pussy wall instinctively stiffened around his cock.

He give an amuse laugh as he pulled completely out and sit down on the bed beside her then pull her over him. Her eyes widen and hold on to his shoulder when he guide her to astride him, holding his cock upright and led her down to take him in.

"Hmmm..." she whimpered then bit her lower lip, watching as she slowly glide down to take him deep inside her, her pussy stretching to the limit. Wetness again gather between her thigh, making it easy to take all of him to the hilt.

With one hand, he grabbed her hips still when their pelvic met while his other hand grab her jaw to lift her face.

"You know how this works, right?" he whispered, breath fanning her face.

She nodded. "I've read and seen it" she said with a blush.

"Ah. I forgot how arouse I was when I receive some of the bill" he said in amusement, giving her parted lips a playful bite while his hand guide her hips to move up and down on his cock.

She easily gets the hang of it, taking him deep in her belly and grinding her pussy against his groin. She breathe through her mouth, holding his eyes as she moves faster and faster. Her breathe quicken when she felt his hand move down from her jaw to cup both her breast, his thumb playing with her nipple.

She bit her lip, trying to keep herself from kissing him. She drag her eyes from his passionate gaze down to his nose and stop at his firm mouth. She saw his jaw ticking and can't help herself from grazing her lips against his stubble jaw.

She gasped when he suddenly grab her hair and turn her face to claim her mouth in a long hard kiss. Not letting her lips go, he throw her back on the bed and started fucking into her depth. She moaned against his lips and wrap her hand around his shoulder and her legs around his waist, meeting him thrust for thrust.

He left her mouth so he could suck her nipple into his mouth, thrusting harder and faster into her that she can hear the slap sound of their flesh meeting. It makes her wet more and more.

"Oh please, please" she beg, trying to get away from the pleasure but at the same time holding him closer.

Keeping her nipple inside his mouth, he release his hold on her breast and grab her hips and pounded her pussy harder and harder. She almost buried her head into the bed, mindless with pleasure that cruising from her pussy up to her breast. She felt him let one of her hips go and pressed down on her clit.

She scream and dug her nails on his shoulder when she came apart, on the verge of fainting again.

"Don't you dare faint on me again" Seth growled savagely, letting  go of her breast from his mouth and grab her jaw with his other hand, squeezing a little, he makes her look at him.

Serina's body is still twitching from cuming so hard, force herself to look at him with heavy lids, their eyes meet and hold. She can feel him still pounding into her and the pleasure does not subside until with a groan he buried his face on her neck and she felt him cum deep inside her.

They stay wrap in each others arms until their breathing came back to normal then Seth suddenly withdraw from her and without a word or a look, left the bed to go to the en-suite bathroom.

Still daze. Serina close her legs and turn to her side, wrapping her arms in front of her breast, fighting the sudden cold that settled when he left her.

It's done, she thought, closing her eyes. She's now officially Prince Seth's secret mistress. Her plan is coming to fruition.

"What plan?"

She was so startled that she suddenly got up from her position and turn towards the door of the bathroom to find Seth standing there, still naked.

She blushed and gulp as she keep staring. Everything happens so fast she did not get the chance to see or study him when he was getting undressed. She study him from his broad shoulder down to his six pack abs and down still to his erection and her eyes stayed there. How did that fit in her? No wonder it hurts, she thought and gulp when his cock twitch a little and seems to grow longer and bigger before her eyes.

"I ask you a question" Seth said in a low tone, not making a move to cover himself.

She blushed and force herself to look up and meet his eyes.

"Ummm...I... I m-mean that I-I didn't p-plan our first n-night to be.... like this" she wave a hand to emphasize the last part.

"You mean, me witnessing that asshole proposing to you?"  Seth said in a dangerously low tone then walk towards her.

"You don't understand!" she said desperately, shaking her head. "Calvin is--" she gasped when he grab the back of her head and gently pull her until their nose is almost touching.

She breathe through her mouth and look at him wide eye. Heat starts to form in her pelvis and she can feel herself getting wet. Her breathing became erratic.

He meet her gaze and look at her with anger in his eyes. "Don't mention another man's name while you're still naked in my bed!"

Serina wet her lips and open her mouth to answer when he groan and kiss her hard. Her response is instantaneous, she moan and wrap her arms around his neck, squirming, trying to get closer. He move to cup her both with both hands then angle his head. Their tongue met and played.

She cried out a protest and open her eyes when he withdraw his lips. She blink, trying to get rid the haze of lust and focus on his face. Their faces so close and they're both breathing hard.

"Please..." she beg, her hands tighten around his neck, trying to pull his face down but he just laugh and resist.

"This is why I don't do virgins" he whispered in a pain voice, lips almost touching hers, then added. "I can't fuck how many times I want this first time"

She ignored him and put her tongue out to lick his lower lip. He move his head back and frown down at her. The hand cupping her face tighten to prevent her from moving close.

"Don't" he said in a deep husky voice. "I'm trying to be considerate for the first time in my life" he finish with a sigh then let her face go and carry her to the bathroom.

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