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Seth felt like someone hit him in the stomach. She always listen and do what he says. Now, she can't look at him?!

Like hell he will allow that, he thought angrily and was about to grab Serina's wrist when Kylian made a sudden move in front of her and manage to block him.

Blue eyes blazing with anger meets cold grey one.

"Seth, maybe it's better if you give her some time to think things through" Etienne said in a calming voice as he move to stand beside him.

"She already made her bed when she come at me years ago. Now, she will fucking lay on it even if I have to shove her. We have an arrangement and she will stick to it until I say otherwise and I don't fucking care if it's not fair! She's mine!" Seth gritted out.

"You were not engage then" Kylian said coldly, not showing any emotion.

Seth raise his fist but Etienne grab him back. He struggle and with a groan Etienne shouted, "Vane!"

"Ugh! I hate butting in other people's business" he heard Vane growl then choke-hold him, "Stop struggling! I don't want to really hurt you!" Vane hissed in his ear as his arms tighten around his neck.

He did not listen and manage to elbow his side hard before Etienne can restrain him.

"Fuck! That hurt! What were you doing? You ask for help and letting me do all the work?" Vane shouted at Etienne.

"Sorry. He's really strong you know" Etienne said seriously but his eyes twinkle.

"I know. I can see for myself that even you, the can fix it all guy, can't restrain him alone but fucking stop messing around" Vane said insultingly.

Etienne just laugh.

"Well, you two don't have to restrain him. I always want to beat the shit out of him" Kylian said in an amuse tone as he look on the mess their struggle makes.

Vane glares at him. "I'm this close to letting Seth go, Etienne. He deserves to be hit"

Etienne just shake his head at them.

"You look pitiful so I will help you guys" Kylian said in a suspiciously happy tone.

He walks toward them slowly then quickly bend down and pull Seth feet under him. Vane curse loudly as his back hit the floor together with Seth. Etienne was safe as he was able to let go of Seth but quickly turn Seth on his front as the latter is still daze and put his hand behind his back and restrain it with a knee.

Seth struggle violently as Vane help Etienne to keep him on the floor. He will fucking kill them all, he thought savagely. Serina is his. She will stay his even after his marriage. His engagement is for convenience only. His cousins knew it! His fiancée and her parents knew! It not even announce yet because he want to drag it out as long as possible.

He will not lose Serina just because of his stupid engagement. He just need to talk to her alone but how is that possible when she refuse and his cousins want to play the hero when it convenient them.

He stop struggling and turn his head to found where is Serina. He meet pain filled brown eyes before she quickly turn her eyes away and his heart stops then beat faster. Damn it! She's hurting and it's all his fault. She's right. He should have send her back home as soon as he agreed to the engagement but he can't bring himself to do it. She's a craving that never did go away even after years of not seeing her.

He's not ready to lose her and he won't. He need to get her alone. She loves him, she said so herself. He will beg if he have to just for her to stay. Sucking in calm breath, he murmured softly. "Let go"

He saw Vane and Etienne stare at each other for a few moment before slowly letting him go. Vane help him to his feet but both of them stay at his side.

"When do you think you can talk to me?" he asked in a calm voice, trying to catch her eyes but she looks anywhere but him.

"I... I don't k-know. I t-think I have t-to go b-back to m-my uncle--"

"No!" he said in a deep dangerous tone that she finally meet his eyes with a start. "I can leave you alone until you decide to talk to me but you're not setting foot out of this ranch"

Her eyes widen then look at Kylian. That made him grit his teeth until it hurts. He now recognize what he felt whenever another man looks at her or when she talks to other man. Jealousy. He never felt jealousy before and he don't like it. He's possessive but not jealous. He never lose control until a few moments ago when he almost hit Kylian for blocking his path to her.

"Stop looking at him, Serina. He can't really help you" he finally said between gritted teeth.

Serina bit her lower lip and look down. One hand curl into a fist on her side, she took a deep breath and meet his eyes.

"Let's get this over with then" she said uncertainly and he almost smile.


Serina wasn't sure if she made the right decision to talk to him now but she have to talk to him someday so why not now? Why drag it out? Today, she will know where she stand with him.

This is really a long day for her, she thought tiredly. She really want that shower right now.

She focus her eyes on his jaw and frown when she saw red. His neck also have a mark when Vane choke-hold him and some of his shirt was torn.

So worried that she forgot everything, she quickly reach his side and touch the small wound on his jaw. "You're hurt" she whispered.

"It's just a scratch" he softly said then cup both her cheeks and lean down to whisper against her lips, "I'm sorry"

That's when she can no longer hold back her tears. She cried loudly like a child, hug him and buried her face in his chest. He wrap his arms around her and kiss the top of her head while taking a deep breath.

So what if she forgive him that easy without explanation? She will be selfish this time. She will stay with him as long as he wants her and after that... After that... She don't know.

She did not notice when his cousins quietly leave them alone. Without letting her go he sit on a chair and arrange her to straddle him. She then buried her face on his neck and he let her cry out.

She love him so much it hurts. She can't imagine life after meeting him and then losing him. She can't lose him but she can't share him also. She don't want him kissing another woman, hugging another woman, sleeping with another woman. She never wanted anything for herself until she meet him. She want his smile. His laugh. His kiss. His eyes. His tongue. His lips. His hands. His legs. His cock. Everything about him, she want for herself.

"You will not lose me, Serina. I'm all yours" he whispered against her ear.

"You're engage" she said between hiccups. She lift her head from his neck and meet his beautiful blue eyes. Love burst in her chest and she can't help herself but blurt out in a choke voice, "I love you so much"

There was a glint in his eyes she didn't catch before it disappear.

"I know" he said softly then wipe the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. "Do you think you can manage to keep quiet while I explain?" He asked after a moment of staring at her.

She nod her head and bit her lower lips.

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