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Serina sigh in relief when the door of the study close quietly. Returning to the kitchen she give Kyna a small smile.

"He just over reacted. I'm really fine" she assured him.

"I've never seen him like that before. He was really pale at first then when he found out you're not bleeding and still breathing, he became angry and threaten everyone" Kyna said with a shiver.

"I'm sorry. Because of me everyone was bullied and now I'm about to inconvenience Prince Kylian. I really didn't know they're coming" she said in a small apologetic voice.

"You don't have to worry about that. And Prince Seth never tell anyone anything so you will learn soon how to cope as we do" Kyna said kindly with a smile.

Serina just nodded her head. Thinking of the visitors. Vane, she already meet months ago. So she focus her thoughts on the other two men. She knows of them since their face are all over the magazine and news cause of their success aside from being a prince.

Kylian Olliric, 5th in line to the throne is a surgeon doctor and build many hospitals all over the world aside from owning an investigation agency, is a billionaire in his own right. He is of the same height as Seth with the same fair skin and very attractive with grey eyes that look at you like he knows your every secret. She did remember that she decided not to like him when he made Seth angry for the first time months ago.

Etienne Olliric, 11th to the throne is a pilot and has his own airline company. He's a an inch or two taller that his cousins, fair skin with slender and perfectly featured body. His eyes are light nut brown with a hint of amber when he smiles. She decided that she likes him cause he has kind eyes.

"Do you want to eat anything?"

Serina was startled out of her musing by Kyna's question. She looked up and found Kyna looking at her oddly. She blushed and just shake her head. Did she thought out loud again? Ugh!

"I'm going to take a shower and change" she said standing up and turn towards the master's bedroom.

"I will leave some snacks just in case" Kyna called out.

She just nodded. She give the door to the study room a glance as she pass by quietly.


Seth lean back on his seat, facing his cousins and regarded them. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes but they're family.

"So you finally decided to give me your mistress" Kylian said in an amuse tone.

He's so sure of himself it made Seth's teeth grind in irritation.

"No. I just wanted to see the look on your face as I officially refuse your offer" Seth said in a cold voice.

Kylian sigh. "Stop making things difficult for everyone" he said exasperated.

"I'm not. You're the one doing it" Seth replied in the same cold voice.

Silence reign as both men stares at each other. No one wants to give an inch. Both share the same traits and giving up control is not one of them.

"Ah, so this is why you insist on going with him and tagging me along in the process" Vane suddenly said in a frustrated voice, leaning back and curling his hands in front of his chest.

"The King mention something in passing the last time I talked to him, that if ever Kylian asked to be transported to Seth's place, to do it myself and take someone along, preferably Kirean but unfortunately he's busy making weapons for future wars" Etienne explained, eyes twinkling with laughter.

"That hurt my pride. Right place, right time, wrong person. I don't like the feeling of being a second choice and I can't be bother to stop a fight" Vane said mockingly.

"I agree. I also can't picture you lifting a finger to interfere if things got a little bloody" Etienne laughed when Vane glare at him. He glance at Seth and Kylian who is now looking at them with annoyance.

"I didn't come here to beat the hell out of him" Kylian said pleasantly.

"Like hell you can do that" Seth said gruffly.

Etienne glance first at Kylian who is still smiling then at Seth who's not showing any emotion. He sigh then combined his finger in front of him to support his jaw, his elbow on his knees.

"You all know that I'm a pilot and not a psychiatrist, right? I never know why if there's conflict in this family the King thought I can fix it" Etienne said calmly, his eyes switching between Seth and Kylian.

"Because you have a talent for making people think your idea is their idea?" Kylian answered quickly with a laugh.

"It just show that you all have common sense and listen to reason" Etienne said with a small smile then turn his attention to Seth who is now glaring at him.

"I don't want to hear it" Seth said in a cold voice.

Etienne did not speak and meet Seth's eyes. "You've already decided what course to follow" he said quietly after a moment.

"Like I always do" Seth answered nonchalantly.

"Well, that made me decide what to do then" Kylian said, still relax in his chair.

"Just leave Serina out of it" Seth said in a warning tone.

"How is that possible when she's already involve?" Kylian asked looking shocked.

Etienne stand up when Seth did and block his path towards Kylian who didn't even flinch and smile at them.

"Seth, don't let him get to you. He just want a rise out of you since you've never show this much emotion towards anyone" Etienne said in a soft calming voice and grab one of his shoulder.

Seth gritted his teeth. Etienne is right. Everyone who meet Kylian wants to hit him because of his easy going and I'm always right attitude.

He took a deep breath and clear his head. He was just on edge and want to vent his anger on anyone cause he can't very well hit himself. Fortunately, Kylian is very much wanted to be that target but Etienne made up his mind that no Olliric blood will be spilled today.

Serina's fall is still fresh in his mind's eyes and he's still worried but he can sense that Serina don't want to attract the attention of his cousins as much as possible. She just doesn't know that she's the reason they're here.

Her sudden confession put his mind in conflict. He's confused right now with what he really wanted from her. He knows he can't keep her forever.

They had an agreement but it was more than three years ago and many things happen since then. He only ever wanted one night with her. He thought she will be out of his system after that. But he's wrong, they've been together for six months and he still want her more than ever.

Going away for a day or two makes him miss her so much, he always cut his visit and fly back to her. She's always in his thought and he'd never fuck anyone the way he fuck her like he's a starving man and she can only fill that hunger.

Fisting his fist he decided that he will keep Serina with him as long as he can. She's his and no one else.

With that thought he calmed down, he give a nod to Etienne and went back to his seat. Etienne did the same but there's questions in his eyes which he ignores.

They heard a knock on the door and someone turning the knob but they ignore it except for Kylian who looked up.

"What are your plans? You can't keep her here forever. She will know sooner or later" Etienne said.

"Are you going to marry her?" Kylian suddenly asked out of the blue.

Seth, Etienne and Vane turn to him with a frown.

"Are you finally going senile? Of course he can't. He's already engaged!" Vane answered in a puzzle tone.

A loud crash made them all turn towards the door. And found Kyna wide eye with tray and broken glasses on her feet beside Serina who looks pale holding the door open.

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