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Seth went rigid and lean back, making her release his face. He looked at her, eyes devoid of emotion and not saying anything.

She, who is uncomfortable with silent, hesitantly said, "I forgot to bite my tongue. We can p-pretend I never said t-that"

He still did not speak but move to get down his horse and help her with hers. After that, he undress her and himself then make her wrap her legs around his waist and fuck her standing until she cums.

Without withdrawing from her, he turn and walk a little then lean her back on the tree and fuck into her again until she dug her nails and the heel of her foot into him and cums.

He then help her to her feet and support her with his hands on her waist until she can stand on her own.

"I'll be back" he said gruffly and walk naked to his horse to get the picnic blanket.

Still breathing hard, her eyes focus on his still hard cock, as he walk back to her. She gulp as he arrange the blanket on the ground and turn towards her.

"Come" he stretch out his hand for her.

If this is the aftermath of confessing to him then she will do it again, she thought dazedly as she reach for his hand.

"Fucking stop thinking out loud" he said harshly as he pull her towards him.

He turn her so her back was to him and push her gently on her hands and knees. She felt him kneel and grab her shoulder then push into her.

"Oh" she moan and fisted the blanket as he enter her from behind.

Leaning forward, he flatten his free hand on the blanket and went in and out slowly. He keep that pace until she cried out and cum.

In a sudden movement he turn her on her back and thrust into her making her open her mouth on a silent scream. He lean on her, his forearm supporting his weight while his hands cup both side of her head then he bent his head and bite the side of her neck while thrusting into her hard, making her groan and grab hold of his hair. Letting her neck go, he bend lower to alternately lick and suck her nipple into his mouth.

Mindless with pleasure, Serina didn't realize she was shouting her love for him over and over again. He let her nipple go and claim her mouth in a deep hard kiss. Making her tongue come out and play with his. All the while keeping his hard thrust.

She scream against his mouth as she cums and her body convulse around him. He thrust a few more times then he growl and buried his face into her neck as she felt his cock twitch inside her and wetness flooded her, making her groan as a tiny orgasm claim her.


Serina keep glancing at Seth as they walk the horse side by side back to the house. Remembering her confession, she fought a shiver. Why does she keeps embarrassing herself? And why can't she just shut her mouth? Someone please kill her now and save her from future embarrassment.

That's when she remember that she wasn't biting her tongue while thinking. She violently turn her head to look at Seth to find him still looking ahead without expression.

She sigh and look around. Is she finally changing? That's a good sign, she's maturing and learning her lesson after that episode. She did say that they can pretend 'the confession' didn't happen so that's what she's going to do since he's already doing it.

Happy with her decision, she smile and turn her head to look at Seth. His face doesn't show any emotion but he's raising his brow at her.

She gave him a blinding smile and guide her horse into a run. She laughed when she heard him follow her. Turning her head, she saw that he's almost upon her.

Not wanting to lose again, she made her horse run faster. She smile to herself when she saw the house. She'll win this time, she thought happily and force her horse faster.

She's almost at the ranch's driveway when suddenly a child pop out of nowhere, blocking her path. Making a sudden decision, she pull the rein hard to the side. The horse made a deafening sound, trying to stop but was too fast that it slips on its own legs.

"Serina!" She heard Seth shouted in horror as her horse went down on its side with her flying in the air.

Losing her breath when she hit the ground, she did not move and close her eyes, waiting for the pain. She knows she's in shock so she doesn't feel any pain yet but she's still hoping nothing is broken or Seth will go berserk.

She still did not move when Seth went down on his knees beside her but did not touch her. She heard people starts to gather around but keep her eyes close. She heard Seth shouting but block him out as she took inventory of herself.

"Serina" she heard Seth whisper and caress her face.

Finally deciding that nothing is broken and the breath was just knock out of her, she open her eyes and found Seth leaning on her. She smile up at him and was about to stand up when he put a restraining hands on her shoulders.

"Don't move" he said in a dangerous voice that she choose to do as he says.

"Your highness, the doctor will be here in a moment" someone said from behind him.

She tried to see who it was but Seth is blocking her view. She can gather from the sound of the voices that they're a little too far.

"And I want him yesterday. Get him here right now!" Seth shouted, not turning around and just looking down at her.

Serina blink up at him. "But I'm fine. I don't feel any pain" she assure him softly.

"You're not a doctor. Let the doctor tell me that himself. And he better be here soon before I decide to shoot that horse!" He raise his voice on that warning.

"You can't shoot my horse! You gave her to me!" She protested, eyes wide.

"It's either the horse or the kid, you choose" he said gruffly.

She gasped and heard a woman cried out for forgiveness behind him.

"Is the kid ok?" She called out since she knows Seth did not even check on the child.

"Not in a few moments if the doctor is not here in 30 seconds" Seth said between gritted teeth.

She frown at him as she heard a woman now openly crying.

"What did you say to hear that she believes you will hurt her child?"

"That if you die, I will kill the horse first then the child in front of everyone and lastly her whole family with her the only one to live" he said, meeting her eyes.

She gasped in shock, mouth hanging open. "No, you wouldn't" she whispered.

"I will and they know it. As part of the royal family we don't easily speak words just to threaten or scared people. We do as we say we will. I gave specific instruction. No one should be around whenever we went out for a ride. And her being irresponsible with her child almost cost you your life. She will suffer as I will" he said in a cold hard voice.

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