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Serina swallowed when she meet his eyes. There was a gleam in Seth's eyes that did not bode well for her. She just hope that whatever it is, it will not make her spill what she finally realize she felt for him.

Seth went ahead to get their horse after nodding his head to the couple.

She stand up and said her goodbyes. Not daring to linger or it will get worse for her. Seth was already astride his horse when she turn. Her horse's rein is tied to his.

"You're riding with me" he inform her.

Without argument she took his offered hands and let him pull her up to sit in front of him sideways. He help her get comfortable then wrap one of his arm around her middle.

She hold on to his arms and relax onto him. Trusting him not to let her fall off the horse.

She wave goodbye to the couple before Seth guide the horse to a run back to the house.

When they reach the barn, which as usual devoid of any souls, without speaking Seth grab her waist and helped her down. She grab hold on his shoulder then look up at him when her feet touch the ground.

She gulp and a shiver went up her spine. His face is void of emotion and that scared her. She prefer him angry or mocking or insulting, just not this. Like she was nothing to him.

"Seth..." She whispered worriedly.

He meet her eyes for a few moments then guide her back to the house by placing his palm on her back.

Serina give him a fleeting glance then bit her lower lip. Did she finally make him snap? He was really very patience with her. From her voicing her every thoughts to being so curious she can't help but disturb him just to ask questions.

It feels like she's on her way to prison from sins she don't know she committed. Ok, ok. She have a few list. One, she turn her back on him. That's a capital offense if they're in Latrommi. Two, she call him out on his controlling way. Three, she offended him when she said she don't want to be alone with him. Four, she did want to know what he will do to her when she reach her limit with him. Five, she's so nosy she did try to look at the file on his desk with regards to the case and got frustrated when she can't find anything.

"Number five is news to me" he commented, closing the door behind him with a click.

Not turning around to face him, she close her eyes. Ok, so she's digging her own grave with her muttering. Gathering her courage she make a hard turn to face him and went on her knees in front of him.

"I'm so sorry, your highness! I deserve to be punish" she cried out dramatically, head bent down on the floor. Isn't this what they do in movies and some of the book she read. Hopefully, this will help her too. She thought desperately. Will he send her to prison? Please, let it be at least a nice prison and good food and good inmate and good guard--

Her musing was stop when she heard Seth walks toward her.

"Get up, Serina" he said in a struggle voice.

She lift her head hesitantly, stare at his riding boots for a moment then up to the bulge between his thigh which she stare at for a long time she heard him give a deep sigh. She finally get herself to look up at him and meet his eyes.

He still look at her without emotion. "Don't make me repeat myself--"

She stand up to her feet so fast she went dizzy for a second. She felt him grab both her shoulder to support her.

"I'm fine now" she said in a cheerful voice, smiling up at him.

He did not smile back and just continue to stare at her like she's from another planet. Cupping her under the jaw, he caress her lower lips with his thumb.

"Tell me, why are you so curious about this case?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"Nothing in particular. I'm just naturally curious?" She answered breathlessly. Mouth parting as he push his thumb inside.

"Naturally curious..." He trailed off then pull her head back. "No, that's not it" he whispered then took her mouth.

Serina groan and move closer until their body touches. She wrap her arms around his neck as he carry her to their bedroom.

Laying her gently on the bed, he rip her clothes off her then his. Spreading her thigh wide, he plunge into her to the hilt without preamble.

She moan and meet his hard thrust. Always so wet for him. Mindless with pleasure, she was about to come when he suddenly pulled out of her.

In a daze, she open her eyes to look up at him then cried out. "No, please" she beg as she finally saw what he intend to be her punishment.

He smile coldly down at her. Grabbing both her hips, he flip her to lie on her front then lift one of her legs up. Covering her with his body, he enter her.

She gasped and grab hold onto the sheet as he begun to thrust hard and deep inside her. "No!" She scream when he withdraw from her a moment before she can come.

"Not like this, please" she said desperately. Getting on her back, she spread her legs and started to pleasure herself with him watching with fire in his eyes. She doesn't care anymore, she just wanted to come.

She shout in frustration and hit him on the chest with one hand when he grab her other wrist from between her thigh.

"You don't get to come until I say so" he murmured cruelly as he imprison both her hands above her head with one hand.

She meet his gaze. Pleading with her eyes. He smirk down at her and then guide his cock inside her, thrusting in and out of her very slowly she can feel every ridge of him.

Lifting her legs up and wide, she let him set the pace and just focus on the pleasure his movement is making her feel. She squeeze her pussy wall around his cock and was about to come when in one sudden movement he again withdraw from her.

She scream bloody murder and started to fight him to let her go. This is the cruellest punishment ever. It hurts!

Without much effort he restrain her and lifting one of her legs on his shoulder, he again enter her to the hilt.

Serina moan and stop fighting. She dig her nails onto his back and arch her hips to meet his hard thrust. In a sudden movement, he withdraw from her, guide her on her hands and knees then enter her from behind.

With both hands he grab her hips and plunge into her savagely. She moan, hands clenching on the rumpled sheet, she push back.

"Squeeze my cock" she heard him commanded in a roughen voice and held still inside her.

She did as commanded then move her hips on and off his cock as she cried out in pleasure. He grab her hips to stop her from moving and tears started to gather in her eyes.

Defeated and frustrated, she slump on the bed and buried her face in the sheet. Letting him have his punishment.

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