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"The Duke arrives," Kylian said casually as he put down his phone and recline in his chair.

Seth just gave him a fleeting glance in acknowledgement then look back at the document in his hand. Some of the people in the journal already confess and some still under investigation.

The Duke is still a rich powerful man with lots of connection that will help him if they believe him to be innocent. The royal guard can't just grab him by the collar and throw him to jail without solid proof. So they have to gather as many as they can that will make those blind people finally see the light. Many people still don't know about the evil hiding behind a kind smile.

They all agreed that Kylian will inform Nash about the journal to make him nervous enough to do something that will enable them to finally took him to custody. What he did though is something that even makes Kylian admire him. The Duke just nod his head, smile and calmly said 'Thank you'.

"Don't get distracted, Seth. He's no longer of a sound mind. I can no longer predict what he would do" Kylian warned.

Seth lifts his head to meet Kylian's eyes and nodded. Animals turn feral when cornered, same with people. The Duke might have realized he can no longer escape the situation since he made the mistake of sending someone to try to kill the girl he raped.

That's another solid evidence since they catch the criminal and is now in their custody. They send a fake word to the Duke that the deed is done and got a happy response back.

He will be surely shocked when he finally saw his victim in the flesh tonight, Seth thought unkindly.

A sound came from the door. Seth raises his brow at Kylian. They're in the family's private study room which is far away from the ballroom and no one but the royal family can ever enter that section of the palace. And as far as they know, only the King is aware where they are.

They both look at the door as it opens and two of their cousins came in.

"Wow! And here I thought you two are dead and they just can't announce it since they can't find the body" Kylian greeted.

Yueh, 8th in line to the throne and younger brother of Leander, just give Kylian a fleeting cold glance then take his seat opposite him. Yueh, with his ash blonde hair and grey eyes, is a very attractive man. The nobels call him The Ice Prince though as he always stares them down so coldly without a word whenever they ask impertinent questions.

"He doesn't change, does he? He still gives me the shiver" Kylian commented pleasantly as the second man sits beside him.

Raine, 10th in line to the throne, is a handsome man with natural dark-red hair and grey eyes like his younger brother Kurt. He always has this serious 'come near me and you're dead' aura that many woman thought is very attractive. But sadly, the woman he intended to marry died in an accident three years back.

"We were told that we can both find you here" Yueh began.

"Is something wrong?" Seth asked in a frown.

"Nothing's wrong. The party is starting and the King wants all of us to be there when they formally announce the engagement" Raine explained then look at the scattered paper on the table.

"And he sends both of you to just give us this order?" Seth said calmly but gives then a probing stare.

Yueh and Raine glance at each other while Kylian cough and slowly uncurl himself from the chair to stand up.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then" Kylian said in a pleasant way, ignoring the glare Seth is giving him; he calmly walks out the door.

"What did he do this time?" Seth said in a breath, putting the paper he's reading down on the table to look at the two men.

"It's what he didn't do that is the problem" Yueh said in a sigh, clearly exasperated.

Seth raises his brow at them and waited patiently. Why are they taking this much time just to tell him? Kylian always do something that made them all want to hit or in sever cases, kill him. Hopefully this time it's not the latter.

"The victim refuses to meet with the Duke" Raine began slowly.

Seth gritted his teeth. Kylian deserves to be hit then, he thought calmly. No wonder the King sends Yueh and Raine who are always calm even in calamity and fast thinking with strategy if something like this happens.

"OK. And you're both here to tell me what the new plan is" Seth said in a quiet voice.

"There's no new plan, Seth" Yueh said unconcernedly then continued on as Seth give a questioning look. "The real plan was for Serina to meet Nash"

Seth froze in his seat for a moment then quickly stands up and in an angry stride move towards the door. He will fucking kill Kylian in a slow and painful way, he thought angrily as he reaches the door.


"Please excuse me" Serina said in a small voice and made a step out of the circle when Chase grab her elbow to stop her.

"Where are you going?"

Serina looks up at him then at the Princes who are all frowning at her like going to the toilet is a big crime. What is there problem?, she thought in a sigh then smile calmly at them.

"Call of nature" She said then widens her eyes on Chase in an unspoken signal for him to let her go.

"I'm coming with you—"

"No! You are not!" she said in a fierce tone that made Theron blink his eyes at her in awe.

She took a deep calming breath when eight set of eyes look at her disapprovingly. Yes, eight! As they were joined a few moments ago by Luca, Vane and Etienne.

Luca, 3rd in line to the throne and older brother of Etienne, is the true description of tall, dark and handsome. He also has grey eyes that are now looking at her without much interest. He doesn't look happy for a man who is about to announce his engagement though, she thought.

"Look, I'm sure nothing will happen to me from here to the toilet and back" she said reasonably without much of a success as they still look at her now with raised brow.

They do like raising their brow, don't they? Is that hereditary? She distractedly thought then sigh when Theron cough in his hand to hide a laugh.

"I really do have to go" she murmured, defeated. She can't very well tackle each of them to the ground just to get what she wants. They will likely just raise their brow at her as she huff and puff with effort. Maybe she can try it with Prince Chase... Nope, he will not pretend to be defeated by a dwarf. She decided when she saw the cold glare he gave her.

"Then let me volunteer. I will let you tackle me to the ground just for the fun of it"



Hi guys! I know I did say that I will only leave author's note on every flashback but let me take this opportunity to thank @selfishhgirl for the support she gave me when I was having my 'writer's block' and was not able to finish Chapter 36 on time :D

This chapter is dedicated to her with again my thanks :D

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