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Seth was seething with anger. What does his cousin really want? Muttering a curse, he savagely type instruction to send to his team of lawyers that handle the case. Does the Duke of Nytsed know what he got himself entangled with? His cousin, Kylian is dangerous and very unpredictable, he can be a friend and a foe at the same time. Remembering the talked he had with Kylian yesterday...

"Seth! What a surprise!" Kylian said pleasantly and got up from behind his desk when he enter his office.

"You deliberately ignore my calls and made me come after you so let's cut to the chase" he said in a cold voice.

Kylian laugh and gesture for him to sit on the comfortable sofa place in the center of the office. Seth seated himself and Kylian take the chair opposite. As soon as they are seated, a very beautiful woman came in with coffee and started to serve them.

"Thank you, Pia" Kylian said kindly and the woman blush then took her leave.

Seth raised his brow at Kylian.

"No. I'm not sleeping with her. I don't fuck anyone who works for me. Directly or indirectly. It's inconvenient" Kylian said with a shrug then lean back, getting comfortable.

"Tell me" Seth said, not commenting on what he said.

"I want Serina" Kylian said with a shrug, looking at him critically.

He didn't show any emotion and hold his gaze but inside he was furious. No one will have Serina. No one.

"Why?" Seth asked in the same cold voice. Not pretending to misunderstand him.

"Because she's yours?" Kylian said in an amuse tone.

"Stop playing games with me, Kylian. And leave Serina out of this. Tell me what you really want" he said through gritted teeth.

"You're family so my loyalty is to you. If you give me your hidden mistress, you can get what you want. After that, your firm will win the case and I can have what I want. So it's a win-win situation for us. I'm sure your motto or something like that is still to win at all cost, right?" Kylian said seriously.

Seth went rigid. That was what he wanted. To win. It still is, he thought. But can he give up Serina just to achieve that goal? Can he let her go now? He's not yet tired of her. He still want her and right now just thinking about her made his cock hard. No. He can't let Serina go for now.

"She has nothing to do with the case. What do you want from her?" Seth asked in a calm voice.

"Let's just say that I'm saving you from yourself. I'm asking and letting you decide because if I force you, I'm positive you will make sure I will regret it for the rest of my life. It's a good thing though that you have the presence of mind to keep her hidden" Kylian said, leaning forward to take his cup of coffee and sip.

Seth is on the verge of violence, he's shaking with it. He know that he can't force Kylian to tell him. Aside from being a surgeon doctor himself, Kylian also has his own investigation agency, which is renowned for it's accuracy. Seth himself is using Kylian's agency's service when needed. If Kylian decided not to let anyone know then no one will know until he decided otherwise. Everyone who works for his cousin is loyal so he can't bribe anyone. Seth is sure of that before finally deciding to come here himself when nothing come out of it after weeks of trying.

He won't let Serina go until he decided it himself and he can't win the case if he don't. Kylian involve himself and the case can be drag on for months to years and he can't have that record on his firm. He can talk to Serina directly about her involvement in this when he get back. Then he will decide himself what to do next. Making up his mind, he stand up and head towards the door without saying anything.

"Family members really annoy the hell out of me" Kylian said in a pleasant tone making Seth stop in his track.

With a grim hard face, Seth turn to face Kylian and found him still sitting comfortably with a smile on his face.

"You guys don't listen even if it's for your own good. I know what you're thinking and it's not a good idea. It will conflict some things and you know how I hate any inconvenience. It made me do things I know will earn me a punch... Or two" Kylian said with a smile on his lips but Seth narrow his eyes at him.

"Don't threaten me" Seth said in a dangerous voice and clench his fist.

"Now now. Don't misunderstand. I don't threaten family. The King will have my head. I'm informing you what will happen" Kylian place his cup back on the table and got up.

"Do whatever you want with the case but stay away from Serina. You don't want me in your life, Kylian and that's a threat" Seth said in a deep hard voice.

Kylian burst into a laugh. "Wow! You have it bad"

Seth gritting his teeth turn towards to door.

"Seth, take my offer" Kylian said in a serious tone which Seth ignores...

Going back to the present, Seth again glance at Serina and found her looking at him with an inquiring eyes.

She's so obvious. Seth thought, mentally sighing. He ignore her and focus on his task. Kylian hasn't made any move yet until their last talk and he have to make sure everything is in place. Kylian is making his lawyers shake in their boots already, what more if he really decided to be part of the case?

What does Nate hold on Kylian that made the latter defend him? Is Nate blackmailing Kylian?

Seth frown and stop what he's doing. He put his thumb under his chin and forefinger under his lips, thinking. 

Controlling is one of their family traits, it can turn into a war if they turn that trait to each other. So thinking of anyone, other than the King, controlling Kylian makes one worry.  The Duke of Nytsed, Nate have something Kylian wants so badly, Kylian is willing to be controlled... for now. But how long can Kylian be controlled? How is Serina related to this? Does she know something?

Leaning back in his chair, he stare at Serina who is now looking down and reading a book. Now thinking about it, that night he first meet Serina, the Duke was also there and mention a name when Serina was introduced.

Who is she? Is she really the Earl's niece? But how is that possible when everyone knew he's an only child? The Earl even as a recluse still manage to befriend some powerful people, like the previous king, Kale's father.

Serina is the key to all this. But if asking her makes him lose her then he will make his own investigation of who she really is. After that, he will confront her. He will not let his cousin or anyone controls him.

Decision made, he turn his attention back to his laptop and type an additional instruction to his lawyers.

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