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Serina shiver and hold her breath as she recognizes Seth's chilling sarcastic voice behind her. She closed her eyes and refuse to look at him as he forcefully made himself part of their circle by making his brother move. She can feel his eyes burning into her skin. She felt cold and hot at the same time; and a fluttery feeling started in her stomach. She needs that toilet break more than ever.

"Well, I'm waiting" Seth continued, totally ignoring his brother and cousins.

"Can I go to the toilet first?" she can't help but ask, trying to prolong the inevitable.

"Why, of course. Let me escort you there then" Seth said in a so casual a tone and he offer his arm.

The fluttery in her stomach increase as she only stares at his offered arm. Wanting to touch him and look at his face so much it starting to hurt physically. She bit her lip and just stare at his proffered, still not lifting his head to look at him.

"Seth, calm down" Chase said in a soft voice.

"Don't" Seth said in a quick hard warning tone. "You kidnap my woman right under my nose, hide her from me and make her agreed to risk her life by attending this farce of an engagement"

She gasped then glances at Luca who seems unconcerned by the insult. She felt Seth seething with anger and that make her worry. This is a good chance for them to finally put the Duke on a public trial and Seth is about to ruin it.

Suddenly making a quick decision, she grabbed his arm with both hands and staring below his chin said in a whisper "I really need to go now"

"Serina, that is not a good idea" Chase said and lift his hand to reach for her but Seth wrap one of his hand around her waist and move her out of his reach in a flash.

"She's mine" Seth said in a feral voice that a shiver went up her spine. "You all just broken the unspoken rule so the next time anyone of you come near her without my permission, I will destroy you"

With that last warning, Seth took her elbow and almost drags her out of there. She took a quick nervous glance back at the Princes, mouthing an apology.


"Does that include me?" Theron asked in bewilderment.

"Guess we are now on the enemies zone" Kayden said in amusement.

"He just chooses her over us" Vane said thoughtfully, frowning.

"That will teach us to mind our own business" Leander commented with a shrug.

"Just refrain yourself from killing anyone on my engagement party" Luca said seriously then take his leave.

"You just gave them an idea, brother" Etienne called out laughingly after Luca's back which the latter just wave his hand at them without looking back.

"He has a point. Why are we even plotting his downfall when we can just kill him?" Chase said so seriously everyone gave him a look of surprise.

"Tell me it's an impostor and not really our law abiding Chase talking" Kylian said from behind them.

They all turn to look as Kylian approach with Yueh and Raine on both his side.

"You show yourself after Seth left, what does that say about you?" Kieran said sarcastically.

"I just lost ten years of my life or around that much when I saw him stomp into the ballroom and head towards you all" Kylian said dramatically.

"Ah, not because you were concern for our life but since it can ruin your plan if Seth made a scene" Vane said in exasperation.

Kylian laugh.

"For the record, my brother never stomp" Theron said loyally then continued with a frown. "Where is he taking her, anyway?"

"Oh young innocent one, would you also like me to tell you about the birds and the bees and all that?" Kylian asked pleasantly then laugh as Theron give him a deadly glare.

"We better go after them now if we want this plan to work" Yueh said, clearly exasperated.

"Why? Let's give them a few more minutes. I want to disturb Seth when I know it will hurt" Kylian said so cheerfully the others look at him like he's crazy.


"Seth, where are we going?" she finally asked nervously when after a long time he just keep on walking pass a long corridor, a garden, then another long corridor where royal guards were at the entrance.

Seth did not response and after two more turn he finally stop on a big double door.

She gulped when he reach for the knob then without thinking blurt out worriedly, "I'm so sorry!"

He pause for a second but still refuse to look at her then open the door and push her inside, closing the door behind him with a click.

She keeps her back to him and look at the spacious bedroom without really registering the elegant furniture, her eyes is stuck on the very big bed at the center of the room.

"You really don't have to take me all this way just to use the toilet" she said in a loud nervous tone that even she flinches.

"Tell me, Serina" she winces at how cold and impersonal his voice is. "What are you sorry for?"

Gathering her courage, she turns around to face him and found him leaning at the door with arms folded below his chest. Her eyes stays just under his chin.

"I'm sorry for being here and making things difficult for you. I know I shouldn't have shown my face but I really wanted to help after Prince Kylian tells me everything" she said in a soft voice.

"And you're not sorry for leaving me without goodbye?" he said in a murmur but eyes glinting with fire.

She bit her lip. "I thought you wanted me to leave after knowing who I really am" she continued, throat thick and eyes blurry.

"Did I, in any way, convey that I wanted you to leave?" he asked treacherously.

Blinking back tears, she finally lifts her eyes to meet his cold detached one.

"I don't want to wait to be asked to leave-"

"So you took it upon yourself to spare me the trouble?" he cut in coldly.

Serina shake her head and cried out. "What do you want me to do? I can't stay! You belong to someone else-"

She suck in a breath when in two strides he's in front of her, so close their bodies almost touching. Eyes wide, she recline her head to meet his burning blue eyes as he look down at her.

"I don't fucking belong to someone else!" he gritted out angrily, grab the back of her neck and claim her lips.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now