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'Not really... Can you just pretend you didn't hear anything?" She asked hopefully.

"And what do I get in return for that?" He asked in a bored tone.

"My everlasting gratitude?" She answered uncertainly.

Seth stares down at her for a moment then burst out laughing. Cupping both her face with his hands, he bend down his head and claim her mouth in a deep hard kiss.

Lifting his head, he wait for her to open her eyes.

"Choose. Stay or go?" He asked in a husky voice.

She gulp and lick her lips. Still looking daze.

"Time's up. We'll stay" he said then scoop her up in his arms and carry her back to the bed where he made her cum again and again and again.

It takes another whole week for him to take her out on a ride.

"So, tell me. How did you wanting to learn how to ride come about?" Seth asked her.

They were sitting under a tree on a hill overlooking the land while their horses graze nearby. He was leaning on the tree while she sit between his spread legs and her back against his front. His arms wrap around her middle, one of her thumb caressing the side of her breast while she place her head back on his shoulder.

She turn her head a little to look up at him. Studying his profile while his gaze is not on her. He is really a very handsome man. Possessive, arrogant, dominant and he piss her off sometimes but he's not afraid to show that he cares about her.

They've been together for two weeks and she's not seeing any sign of him getting tired of her. He still wants her so that's going good for her. She don't contradict him as much as possible. They only fight whenever she bring up Calvin but she never thought it's because of jealousy. Being a very possessive male, he don't like anyone around what he consider as his.

"It's because of you, actually" she answered honestly.

He turn his head to gaze down at her and frown. He never voice the question but waited for her to elaborate.

She sigh inwardly. One of his traits also is being very patience. He have this kind of aura that even without asking, one is incline to tell him everything with just a look. And those blue eyes, one can drown on it.

"You piss me off when you won't even ask about me that I find myself inside a barn with Calvin brushing a horse--" she gasped when the arms around her middle tighten.

"Ah so it was my fault also that you're friends with the boy" he said mockingly.

She remove his arms around her then turn around to face him on her knees.

"Why are you so angry with him? He didn't do anything to--" again she was cut off when one of his hands wrap around her neck and drag her face close to his.

"He touched you" he said in a cold voice.

"You know I was a virgin the first--"

"I know. I don't want any other man hands on you even if its innocent or accidental. I'm the only one who will touch you and him hugging you on my first day back here is so offensive I want to kill him" he let her neck go to glide down his forefinger down her breast, circling her nipple and making her arouse.

"He's a friend" she said in a breathless voice.

"I know but I still can't get my mind to accept that" he answered, his gaze following his fingers movement.

"We were arguing..." She said breathlessly as he started to undress her.

"Were we?" He asked distractedly then push her on her back and cover her with his body. "Then I guess we're having make up sex now"

"But we're not done arguing" she contradicted but started to unbotton his shirt.

"We can continue later" he murmured against her mouth. "So we can make up again"

He finished undressing her then lick her lips, kissing down her neck to her breast which he give one lick to each nipple then continue down to lick her navel then down still.

"You have to most beautiful pussy I have ever seen" he murmured between her legs then give her clit a lick.

He sunk his tongue in and she cried out, arching her hips. Kneeling between her thigh, he unzip his pants and plunge into her to the hilt.

She scream as she cum, her body convulsing around him. He lean down on her body, bracing his elbow on either side of her head to support himself. He grab the back of her head with one hand while he caress her cheek with the other then started to move inside her. Slowly at first then harder and faster.

She open her eyes and meet his gaze then lifted her legs to wrap around his waist as he keep moving inside her. Her hands lift up to caress his chest, she can only manage to unbotton his shirt.

"You're still dress.." She said breathlessly then bit her lip to prevent a moan when he thrust into her.

"And you're naked. Just the way I like it" he murmured, not taking his eyes off her.

"It's not fair" she said, licking her dry lips.

"Ah.. Is it?" He asked mockingly then went on his knees without withdrawing for her.

Grabbing the back of her knees with both hands, he lifted and spread her thigh more, making her hips go up. He watch as he slowly withdraw then thrust more slowly. Watching as her pussy slowly swallow his cock then feeling the pleasure a moment later.

He keep to that pace until Serina cried out. "Fuck me please"

He smirk down at her then withdraw. She open her mouth to protest but can only gasp when he pull her up then position her on her hands and knees. He lean into her, bracing one of his palm on the ground, the other wrap around her neck, his breath against her ears, he thrust into her.

This time, he fuck her hard and deep until there's tears in her eyes. Her nails digging into the ground and her voice hoarse from screaming as she keep cuming and cuming.

Thrusting into her one last time, he give a shout as he cum long and hard, almost passing out from the intense pleasure. His hands tighten on her hips that he's sure it'll leave a bruise.

Still breathing hard, he slowly withdraw from her and dress her. She's so weak she just let him do all the work. He help her get to her feet and smile in amusement when her knees buckle.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, he yank her close to his body to support her. His one hand gently grab the back of her hair and lift her head.

Her brown eyes daze and misty, look up at him in awe.

"You don't want me to be fair" he murmured then claim her lips.

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