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Serina froze then turn to her side slowly to look up Kylian.

"I-I... I don't think I understand" Serina said in a stammer.

Kylian laughed in amusement as he turn his head to look down at her and looking at him wide eye "Don't misunderstand. You're beautiful and all but too innocent and submissive for my taste"

Serina blushed and look away.

"Glad to see some color on your face. You feel and look dead earlier" Kylian said softly.

She look at him in surprise. Did he intentionally said it in a tone that she will misinterpret to make her react and blush in the end? She never take him as a kind and considerate person.

"I guess it's fate that I'm the one who find you first" he finally said after a while.

Fate? She never take him as a man who believe in those kind of things, she thought unkindly.

"No. I don't believe in those crap. I just thought it sounds good in this situation so I used it" Kylian answered in an amuse tone.

She frown at him and he laugh then quickly get serious.

"I better be quick. Seth will be here any moment" he said, looking down at her. "I know who you are, Serina"

Serina frown. Not understanding what he meant.

"You're not the old Earl's niece but his employee's daughter" he elaborate softly.

Serina paled and quickly got up on her feet to face him. No, she did not just hear that. How could he possibly know? Does it mean Seth knows too?

"No. Not yet anyway but let me warn you that he already order an investigation on you. So it's only a matter of time" Kylian said and sigh in exasperation when she pale even more.

Feeling weak, she slowly sit on the ground or she will fall flat on her face and she doesn't want that another embarrassment in front of this man. She doesn't want to amuse him on her expense.

"What do you want?" she whispered, looking at her fist hands on her lap.

"First, break up with Seth" Kylian said simply with a shrug.

She flinch and grit her teeth but did not speak.

"Second, I want your father's journal"

Serina looked up at him sharply, eyes wide in shock. How did he know about that journal? No one knows aside from her parents who are now dead. Even the Earl of Elade doesn't know the existence of the journal.

"Let's just say I have a knack of finding things out" Kylian offered then abandon his relax pose leaning on the tree to crouch down in front of her. "Serina, your parents death was no accident"

She froze and stare at him in shock pain. What is he talking about? Her parents death was not an accident? She open her mouth but no words came, she can only stare at him.

"As much as possible I limit my involvement but I need you to remember who Seth is and who you are. Do you really want to be his mistress for real? Ruin his possible good marriage? His reputation, when everyone found out who you are? And let me assure you, everyone will found out if you don't make the right choice" Kylian said in a sweet pleasant tone then stand up. "And also, think of your parents death. I'm sure you want to know who killed them and put them to justice, right?" he finish with a smile.

Serina stares up at him. He look like the devil with that smile as he stand over her. The Prince of Darkness, that's what they call him. And right now, there's no truer words than that.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me? What have I ever done to you?" Serina asked in a strangle voice.

He frown then inclined his head to the side.

"Serina, you're nothing to me. It's just that you're the only way I can get what I want. Your Seth's property right now and it make things complicated since he doesn't want me to use you and we have this unspoken rule not to touch each other's property unless allowed to" Kylian explain drily, then turn his whole body to the side. "Well, here he is".

Serina followed his gaze and saw Seth, Vane and Etienne on a horse. Almost upon them, Seth stop his horse forcefully the horse went up on two back legs and make a deafening whine that she flinch. 

She shiver when her eyes collided with his. He look so dangerous sitting atop his horse looking down at her with cold blue eyes. She exhale the breath she didn't know she was holding when he turn his eyes to look at Kylian.

"I remember saying to give me a call the moment she was found" Seth said in so calm a voice she started to get scared for real.

"Ah, yes. But I remember not giving my agreement to that command" Kylian said, faking puzzlement.

In a flash, Seth got down on his horse and was in front of Kylian in an aggressive manner. Kylian keep his stand and meet Seth's eyes.

"Let's calm down, shall we? You're both on each other's neck the moment you saw each other. What is this animosity?" Etienne asked, deadly calm.

Kylian and Seth did not answer and keep staring at each other. Etienne sigh and raise his hands up, giving up. Vane on the other hand look bored but there's a glint of something on his mysterious blue eyes.

She blush when Vane suddenly turn his eyes on her and caught her staring. He raise his brow and she look away.

"Serina, are you ok?" Vane suddenly called out in an oddly loud and worried voice.

She jump, startled and look up at him. Seth on the other hand, quickly turn to crouch down in front of her.

"What happen?" Seth asked worriedly. His eyes studying her face.

"I'm fine" she said softly, not meeting his eyes.

She saw Etienne frown at them then look at Vane who is doing his best not to laugh. Kylian just sigh and walks toward his horse.

"We better go back to Latrommi. I still have things to do" Kylian said as he astride his horse.

"Wait!" Serina shouted and quickly stand up. She avoided Seth's eyes and took a step back when he reach for her. She wen around him and stop in front of Kylian, looking up at him. He just raise his brow at her.

"Serina" Seth said her name so coldly a shiver went up her spine.

Gathering up her courage, she turn to face him but keep her eyes on his chin.

"No" Seth said so casually she flinch.

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