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"No and that's the end of it. I don't like repeating myself and this is the third time I did. You're making me do things I swear never to do" he answered without looking at her and continued on climbing the stairs with her.

They immediately saw her uncle still with Theron, Vane and Ian. But a man is with them too.

He frown when he recognize who it was. The Duke of Nytsed, Nash Heville.

He really don't like the man but maybe it's just him and his cousins. They sense something is off with the young duke. The man always has a smile on his face and polite to everyone. The king himself is not saying anything but they know he don't like the man either.

They heard rumors about the duke but nothing is proven. Knowing the king, he's probably already checking it out. The rumors come from those ordinary people and most of the noble doesn't believe it but repeating it cause they found it hilarious.

Him, being one of the council and handling legality, was there when the king being himself send for the duke and confronted him about the rumor after hearing it. The duke denied it of course, saying that since he's a very rich powerful man, many people wants to destroy him.

"Rich and powerful. A good reason to pull someone down" the king said, rubbing his upper lip with his forefinger while his thumb support his chin.

The king dismiss the duke after that statement and turn on him when the door to the king's office closed.

"Nothing is really proven since the said victim don't want to talk" he explain without being asked.

"Find out more about him and the rumors. It came to my attention that he's not what he seems" the king ordered.

"Aren't we all?" he answered.

The king gave him a sideway glance and smile without humor.

"When you said that it came to your attention, you mean someone other than me is looking it up?" he asked curiously.

This time the king laugh but didn't answer.

It was really strange seeing the king laugh like that. It made him curious who is this other spy.

Going back to the present. He study the duke with a glance.

At thirty, many women think the duke is handsome. A kind smile is always on his face that woman can't help sighing whenever he give them his attention.

The duke is consider as one of the powerful man in the kingdom and has many supporters but it all thanks to his father. He's a vain and conceited man that thinks he owns the world cause he's rich and powerful. The king once told them that the duke is trying to gain his favor as soon as he got the title but the king don't play favorite to anyone.

He notice when Serina froze up beside him as they reach the group. He ignore it, thinking that she's probably afraid to talk to her uncle.

Theron and Vane greeted him with a nod of their head. He nod back, understanding.

"Your Highness" the duke greeted respectfully with a wide smile and a deep bow.

He nod his head in greeting then turn to Serina's uncle, cutting the duke off. He doesn't waste his time to superficial people and in the first place he don't like the man.

"Serina want to suggest something and I totally agree with her. I hope you can be understanding too" he said, looking at the earl's eye.

"Let's hear what she has to say then" the earl said, nodding then offer his arm to Serina. "Privately"

Serina slowly let go of his arm. Finally looking down at her, he notice that she's really pale as she accept her uncle's arm with both arms, holding it tightly.

"What's wrong?" he asked before the earl can make his excuses.

"I'm sorry?" her uncle asked, blinking innocently at the him.

"She looks really pale. What did you do to her, Seth?" Vane commented.

He ignore his cousin and reach out to hold Serina's elbow. He then feel her shaking. Getting worried, he frown at her. Did he do this to her cause he doesn't want to make any promises? He curse himself but still can't utter the word.


Serina shake her head without looking up, pulling away from Seth's hold. She can feel all eyes are on her.

She tighten her hold on her uncle's arm, willing him to make his excuse so they can go.

"I'll take her to the refreshment room. I'm sure she's ok. It's just the excitement of meeting the king finally catching up on her" her uncle make their excuses and was about to turn away when the duke speak.

"Your Highness, you mention 'Serina' earlier. That's a very rare name. I remember a child with that name. Do you mean Serina Rainge?" the duke asked politely.

Serina flinched. Recognizing her last name before the earl adopted her and gave her his name.

"No. Her last name is Black. She's my niece" the earl said before Seth can answer. "Now, if you will excuse us" without waiting for an answer the earl turn and almost drag her out of there, the same way he drag her when joining the group earlier.

She would have laugh if she's not terrified. She let the earl lead the way, not really seeing where they're going.

"Here. Sit here" her uncle softly murmured then guide her on the sofa.

She rest her back and close her eyes. Fighting to be calm.

"Drink this" the earl put a glass in her hand but she;s shaking so much she can't hold it properly.

The earl made a tsk sound then help her to hold the glass and drink. She choked and coughed, looking up at the earl's face with accusation.

"It's brandy. It will help" the earl said without remorse then urge her to drink again.

Having no choice she drain the glass then rest back again and close her eyes. Still feeling the burn from the brandy, she started to calm down.

"Are you ok now?" she heard her uncle asked.

With a wobbly smile, she nodded, eyes still close.

"Where are we?" she asked without bothering to open her eyes.

"The king's private room, I guess" the earl answered casually.

That made her open her eyes and sit up straight then look around.

It's a big and elegant room with a sofa near the fireplace which they sit. There was a big table and a chair which she assume is a working table with a big window at the back. There's two chair that is front of the table facing each other. The table is almost bare with only a laptop in the center and nothing else. At far end of the room beside a big window is a single chair with a small round table. The wall is adorn with light red wallpaper and paintings.

"Please tell me, we're really not in the king's office" she begs in a small voice.

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