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A month flew by after that episode and they added riding to one of their routines.

Serina blush and glance at Seth riding beside her. He made love-No,there's no love involved with what he does, he'd have sex with her whenever he wanted to, he's not even afraid that someone might see them or hear her scream and come running to investigate. He just fuck like they're the only people about.

She frowned with that thought and looked around. They're on their way home from the day ride and passing by the field which should have been crowded this time of day but not a soul is present. Now that she thinks about it, since Seth's arrival she has never seen any human being around. She'd seen Kyna a total of three times in the past six weeks and only because she woke up earlier than usual and found the old woman cleaning the kitchen.
When they get their horse everyday , it's already saddled and ready. When they get home they just leave the horse in the barn and Seth said someone will take care of it but she never saw Bernard or any of the stable boys around.

She glances at Seth to find him looking at her with raised eyebrows. Waiting. She flinched. Does he read minds? Did she voice what's on her mind again? Checking, she's still gently biting her tongue, so what is it?

"Aside from you biting your tongue, you have a very expressive face that I know you're thinking and it's not in my favour" he said mockingly.

She glared at him. "I've never seen a soul aside from Kyna, which is only by accident, since you arrived. Why is that?"

"I told them to," he answered with a shrug.

"You told them?" She asked incredulously.

"I knew after I fuck you the first time that I want to fuck you wherever, whenever and however I wanted without worrying of anyone coming upon us. I hate surprises. So I inform Kyna where we are at what time for her to inform the people and make themselves disappear" he said unashamedly.

She stared at him in shock. "You can't just inform people to make themselves scarce just because it will inconvenience you! They have a field to harvest, they have a schedule to mind too"

"And I pay them to do all that. I'm sure it will not hurt them to go home and rest while I fuck you'' he said coldly.

She looks at him with wide eyes for a long moment then gritting her teeth she turns her horse to the side and guides it to a run. She heard him shout her name but she ignored him, guiding the horse to the man made lake where she knows she will not be alone with him for now.

She heard the hooves of his horse following her but kept his distance. Good riddance, she muttered.

Reaching the lake, she pulled the horse to a stop and looked about. She smiled when she saw Calvin sitting with a girl under a big tree. She was about to turn her horse to their direction when Seth suddenly pulled his horse to a stop in front of her.

"Don't" he said in a dangerously calm voice.

She lifts her chin and meets his blue cold eyes. She's in love with him, she realises. She's in love with this possessive, arrogant, dominant, and controlling man. How did that happen? Maybe because he shows what he doesn't say.

He's possessive but protective. He's arrogant but kind. He's dominant but he cares. He's controlling but he made sure both parties benefit from it. He's a man of few words and he knows what he wants. He's very vocal about everything that sometimes borders on rudeness.

"I don't want to be alone with you right now," she begged. She might do or say something that will shock him and she can't afford to lose him, not right now... Or ever.

Serina swallowed hard on the thickness of her throat. Her heart feels like someone is squeezing it. She begged him with her eyes.

He held her gaze for a few more moments. His jaw was ticking. Then without a word, he led his horse towards Calvin and the girl. Not even checking if she follows what she did.

Calvin and the girl with him are now standing up, waiting for them.

Seth stayed on the sideline and kept quiet unless directly spoken to. His gaze never stray from Serina as she chatted up with the couple.

That's when he found out that the ring was meant for the girl, Maria. They plan on getting married before the year ends because Maria is pregnant.

Observing the way Calvin and Serina deal with each other, he finally believes that there's nothing between the two. They really are just friends. Calvin is so sweet and in love with his fiancee it's giving him a toothache watching them.

Dismissing the couple, he continued on studying Serina. He wants to be alone with her and make her explain. He saw horror and then pain on her expressive face when he blocked her earlier. Did he scare her with his action?

She's the only woman who ever ignored his call and ran from him and made him run after her. At first he was pissed as he followed her then angry as he saw Calvin, thinking 'she ran from him just to be with that boy?'

Given, the boy was good looking and fit but he's more good looking and fit and he's rich and has a title. He is cousin to the King and fourth in line to the throne, he thought arrogantly. Serina is his and will stay his until he gets tired of her. If he got tired of her.

He frowned. He craves her more than before. When she's out of his hearing or sight, he misses her. He never talks to other women the way he talks to her. She made him cut his working hours just so they can go riding every morning because he knows she will be happy. She made him want to be with her always.

Shaking his head mentally, he smirks. Of course, he will get tired of her soon enough. For now, she is like a new toy that he gets excited about. He never encounters anyone that defies him yet gives him whatever he wants. She's a contradiction and he will find out what she wants from him.

She's an earl's niece. She can have whoever she wants but she chose him and agreed to be just a mistress. She want something from him and that something is so important that she let herself be the woman he currently fucking.

Ah yes. The order of things will be. First, she will be punished for making him run after her and practically telling him to leave her alone. Then, she will explain why he saw horror on her face. And finally, she will tell him what she's really after.

Three sets of eyes turn to look at him when he stands up.

"Let's go" he said in a commanding tone, eyes on Serina.

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