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"My lady, I hope you had a good ride?" Bernard asked with a gentle smile, holding the horse reign.

"Yes. I did, thank you" Serina smiled sweetly at the old man.

She found out after a week of staying in the ranch that Bernard is the stable master and his son, Calvin, is one of the stable boy. She was about to get off the horse when a loud voice call her name.

"Rin" a loud voice called out.

She turn her head and see a smiling Calvin atop a horse, racing towards her. Her smile widened.

It's been three years since she arrived at the ranch and Calvin is the first person she became friends with. He still taught her how to ride a horse even if his parents was so against it without giving them any reason. So at first they both sneak out for her lesson until the day his father found them out and that made them impossible to do her lesson which made her sad and gloomy.

A week after that, they were told that they have the permission to continue the lesson which made her really happy. On her nineteen birthday, Arun was given to her. A gift from Seth, she was told.

Thinking of the prince made her sad and angry at the same time. Three years! With no news from him! Prince Seth calls every day to check up on her. Every day! And he never once ask to talk to her?! She thought angrily. The only news she got about him is from Kyna.

A few days after she arrives she asks Kyna if she can call her uncle, Kyna said that she needs to ask the Prince. She hopefully waited for Kyna to hand her over the phone when Seth answered but it never happened.

'You have the permission to call your uncle' Kyna said uncomfortably without looking at her. 'His highness also said that whatever request you have, you can tell me so I can call him and ask'

Blinking back tears, she ground her teeth with that thought. It was humiliating. He didn't even have the courtesy to talk to her and tell her that himself. It made her so upset that day that she ran outside and end up in the barn where Calvin was grooming a horse.

Since that day she and Calvin are inseparable. Calvin said once that his parents were so against them being friends but never give him the reason why. She thought maybe it's because Seth told them to but he doesn't care much since he never showed up or talk to her.

She tried looking for news of the prince on the internet but she can't find anything newsworthy. The photo she found of him was always with his cousins or a male business partner. It was like he was staying out of the limelight and it was noted by the paparazzi. Whenever they catch him they will ask if "he have a secret affair" and "who is the lucky girl?". Does it mean he care about her feelings? It's a different Seth from the description people was saying about him. 

Thinking about it, she's ok without knowing if he slept with other woman for the past three years as long as it stay like that. Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know can't hurt you. 

Aside from the occasion photo of him on some gatherings or another. Kyna also told her everything she and Seth talked about on the phone. Usually, Kyna always do the talking. Reporting everything she did that sometimes she feel like being spy at. But never in those calls, sometimes twice a day, did Seth asked to talk to her.

For the first year, whenever the phone ring she always waited with bated breath if he will finally asked for her. It always end up with disappointment and embarrassment when she saw Kyna's expressions after every phone call.

One time, Kyna actually asked Seth if he wants to talk to her but he refuse. Kyna give her an apologetic glance. That was the last time she listen to their conversation.

Vanishing Seth out of her mind, she greeted Calvin when he reached her.

"What's the rush?" she asked.

"I just have good news that I can't wait to share with you" he said with a boyish grin.

She raised her brow at him, waiting. He laughed then got off his horse and helps her off. She put her hands on his shoulder for support. When her feet touch the ground, she let his shoulder go but his hands are still on her waist. Again, she raised her brow at him in question.

"Close your eyes" he said excitedly.

"It's not some disgusting thing, is it?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, you're going to love it"

She looked at his face, assessing.

"Fine" she said with a sigh then closes her eyes.

She felt him let her go and a few moments he hold her hand open and put something on her palm.

"You can open your eyes now" he whispered nervously.

Her eyes rounded in shock when she saw a ring. She looks at him with misty eyes.

"I'm not sure if this is—ooff!" he finish with a groan then wraps his arms around her waist when she jumps to hug him, wrapping her around his shoulder and giving him a squeeze. So happy beyond words.

"Finally! I'm so happy right now!" she said looking up at him.

"I know you would be. I'm planning to propose—" he stop in horror, looking behind her then quickly let her waist go and took a few steps back that force her to let him go.

The next thing she knew someone grab her elbow and yank her away from Calvin then a fist connected his face, sending him on the ground. She scream trying to go to Calvin but the hand on her elbow wouldn't let go and pull her towards a hard body. That's when the hard arm wrap around her waist. She tilt her head to the side to look back at the man holding her and gasp in shock.

"Seth" she whispered.

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