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Serina shake her head and turn away from him but he hold her wrist and swing her back to face him.

"Serina, do you understand?" he said dangerously to her face.

She meet his eyes for a moment then look away without answering him.

"You don't want me as an enemy, Serina. I fight dirty" he said then lick her ears.

She gasped and pull her hand. He let her go. She back away from him. She finally realize she's out of her depth here and getting scared and aroused at the same time by his intensity.

"This is all a mistake. I'm so sorry" she whispered, still backing away.

Remembering what she is, who she is. How can she be stupid to even think that he can be hers? That she can walk out or control him?

"No mistake here. You will give me your virginity. I will protect and provide for you. You'll be my lover until I say otherwise" he took just a few steps and grab both her wrist, pulling her toward him until nothing separate their body.

She can feel the heat coming out of his body. His hard muscle. And his erection. She paled when he move his hips a little to get closer and she can now feel all of him.

She can't possible take him. He'll rip her apart. She thought in a panic trying to move away from him but he let go of her wrists to cup her buttocks with both hands instead.

Her eyes widened when he lift her. Giving her no choice but to hold on to his shoulders and gasped when he rub his erection between her legs.

"Two years maximum. Two years before I can enjoy you" he sound a little pain.

"Please... Promise me that you will not sleep with another woman. Say you'll wait for me" she cried on his neck, no longer able to hold back her tears.

She's hurt and scared.

Hurt, cause she really want him for herself. He's the only person that made her feel like she really belong. He's the only one that made her want to be selfish. To own something.

Scared, that he will find another woman and left her. What if he fell in love in those years of waiting? What if he change his mind and decided she's not worth it?

He did say that she's his from now on but that is not a guarantee he will not change his mind in the future. He's a prince. He can have or do whatever he want.

She's no one. She's just an orphan nobody wanted. She have no title. Her uncle, the Earl of Elade, is not related to her by blood. Jack introduces her as niece and no one question it cause the old earl is a recluse and have few friends. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time when he meet her parents.

She was eight years old at the time and their whole family is running from the authorities. Her father accidentally kill a noble who was trying to rape her mother. Her mother work as a cleaner and her father as driver to a very rich, influential, noble family.

They found refuge in the earl's forest cottage that her parents thought was abandon and stayed there for a few weeks before the earl found them himself while he was 'looking at his land'. She still remember looking up at him in awe while atop his high horse...

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a good day to found myself a trespassers?" the earl said, looking at them with raise brow.

Her father immediately position himself in front of his wife and daughter.

"My Lord, forgive us. We didn't know this is your land" her father explain.

"No matter. Where did you come from?" the earl asked, giving them a critical look, then his eyes stop at her.

His father did not answer but said instead. "We don't want no trouble, my lord. We'll leave right now"

"Is the kid alright?" the earl ignore his father.

"She has a fever for a few days now, my lord" it was her mother that immediately answered and made a step forward still holding her.

Her father made a step also to block her and give her mother a shake of the head. Her mother was shaking and look pleadingly at her father.

"I heard that my neighbor is actually looking for a family" the earl said casually. "Something about a murder?"

Her father flinch and look up at the earl while her mother burst into tears.

"Please, my lord, it was an accident. He was just trying to protect me"

"Who cares about that? I'm actually glad he died" the earl said with a shrug. "Come into my house. I will send for a doctor to look at the child" he continued then steer his horse back, leaving her parents gaping at him.

The earl hire his father as a driver and her mother as cook. They both die a year ago on a car crash when a truck driver fall asleep and went on the wrong side of the curve road straight to her unaware parents.


Seth did not answer her and just hold her.

He knows he's being a bastard but it's better this way than her thinking that there's something more. He don't do commitment and never had a mistress before.

Him offering her to be his mistress is a big step for him but he's willing to do it just to have her. Maybe it's just the novelty of it? Maybe he's acting this way cause he never had anything as innocent as she is? Maybe after fucking her a few time, he'll get bored?

He don't know and don't care right now. He just know that he will keep her as long as he wants her then set her up for life when the affair is over.

They just need to keep it a secret. When the affair is over and she decided to marry someone, she'll have a better chance if no one knows she once share his bed.

The thought of a faceless man touching Serina make him see red. And that reaction, he don't understand and don't want to analyze.

He let her slide slowly down his body. Groaning a little when the friction make his cock harder.

He lift her face by the chin and look at her expressive and tear stained eyes.

"This will be our secret. No one needs to know" he said.

"A secret?" she whispered, frowning a little.

"Yes. If my brother and cousins found out I'm keeping a mistress I will never let it down" he explain then wipe the tears on her cheek.

She did not answer but avoided his eyes.

"Tell your uncle that you want to study abroad. To Canada. I have a ranch there. You will stay there until I call on you" he cup both her cheek and made her look at him. "Tell him tonight. Tomorrow, I will send someone to take you to the airport. You have your passport, right?.... Good" he said at her nod then let her go and started to escort her out of the maze.

Serina stay quiet until they're out of the maze and almost at the stairs to the balcony.

"You're not going to promise, are you?" she whispered that he would not have heard it if he's not so aware of her.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now