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"So, you have the courage to announce to the world that I'm the only man you prefer to eat you but now you can't even look at me" Seth commented while they're waltzing.

"I'm really sorry I have to put you on a difficult position" Serina said with a blush, eyeing his adam apple.

"Difficult position indeed. When I can only touch and not do anything more" Seth whispered.

Serina looked up with a frown, not understanding, their gazes meet and held. He hold her close and Serina rest her head on his chest.

"Did you sleep with her?" she blurted then bit her lower lip when he froze.

"Look at me" he whispered softly.

Even if he said it softly, it's a command, she have no choice but to lift her head and meet his eyes.

"Once. I was drunk and she took advantage of it, thinking that I'm gonna marry her when her father found us in bed together the next morning"

"Why didn't you?"

"No one will ever force me to do things I don't want to do. She's just a one night stand. She made her choice" he said without emotion and guide her to the steps again.

"Does His Grace knows?" she asked.

"Yes. I don't keep secret from the people I care about"

"Does that mean you care about me?" after a moment of hesitation, she asked.

He did not answer but did not look away either.

"Are you really not looking for a bride?" she blurted out, when she realize he will not answer.

"No" he looked away.

"Then what can I do to be with you?" she persisted.

"You're too young to what I have in mind" he answered, sighing.

"I'm of legal age. The king acknowledge me" Serina said desperately.

She doesn't care if she'll be branded as slut. She never felt anything like this before. She want to be something, anything to Seth. She knows that what Lady Jewel said was true, Prince Seth is so our of her league.

He stop dancing and finally looks down at her. She meet his gaze. They stayed like that, not aware of the other people whispering and looking at them.

He suddenly let her go and took hold of her elbow, dragging her gently out of the dance floor, into the balcony and the stairs leading to the garden. She did not protest when he continued on to the garden maze. They didn't stop until they reach the center where a big tree is located. The place is not well lit and probably only use for a morning walk.

He gently back her on the tree and lean over her. Their face really close that she can smell his breath. She can't see his face clearly cause his back is on the light.

Heart beating wildly, she waited.

"Do you usually just let any man drag you into some place?" he finally said, irritated.

"No. Even my uncle can't really drag me if I don't want to go" she whispered.

"Being here with me, alone, can ruin your reputation or a possible good marriage" he lean closer that their lips is a thread away.

"I don't care" she breathed.

"Damn. I'm ten years older than you but I will die if I don't do this"

And he kissed her.

Shocked waves went through her and she was helpless to do anything more than feel. Her first kiss and it was mind blowing. She gasp when his tongue tasted her lips and then moan when he took advantage of her open mouth and explore the inside interior.

It was pure heat.

She wrap her arms around his shoulders and hold on tight least she fall. She felt weak in the knees and felt like drowning but she love all of it. The explosion of desire had been instantaneous. She had been reduced to mindless compliance.

He kissed her until she burned then suddenly stops.

"Please" she beg, going on tiptoe to reach his lips.

He grab her head to control her and nibble her lower lips.

"We must stop" he whispered against her lips.

"I don't want to stop" she whispered back, eyes still closed.

"You're very easy to get,huh" he said insultingly but didn't move away.

Serina open her eyes and gaze up at him.

"Why do you want to make me angry?" Serina asked puzzled.

He finally move away from her.

"Grow up fast then I will answer your question" he said while backing up a few steps.

"I told you--"

"I will not fuck you. Come find me a few years from now then and only then I will give you what you want" he cut her off then started to turn away.

"Wait! Please!" she blocked his path and look up at him with pleading eyes.

"Does it mean... you will wait for me?" she asked bravely, holding his gaze.

"No" he plainly said.

She flinch but without looking away said. "I will make your sacrifice worth it"

He smirk down at her.

"How can you do that when you don't even know how to kiss properly?" he asked insultingly.

"I will learn--" she stop with a gasp when he suddenly grab her on the neck with one hand.

"How?!" he hissed in her face, his fingers tighten a little.

She paled from the anger on his face.

"I-i-it's not w-what you t-think. T-there's books and I-I can learn by w-watching!" she stammer, so afraid with the look on his face. "You're the only man I want to touch me" she continued in a whisper.

He look at her eyes for a few moment, assessing that she's telling the truth.

After a while his fingers relax and his thumb start to caress her neck.

"I won't fuck you now but you're mine" he said in a low voice, looking at her.

She nodded her head in agreement. He let her go then took a step back.

"So you promise to wait for me?" she asked again.


"Your highness?" she insisted after a moment.

"No" he finally said without emotion.

She paled, staggering back. On the verge of crying, she asked. "Why?"

"Let's be clear. This between us is only lust for each other. There will be no future for us so promising to wait for you is like a commitment and I'm not gonna commit to anything I know will end soon enough" he simply explained with a shrug.

Serina take a deep breath, holding her throat like it will help. Lust? Is that what she feels for him? She's very attracted to him but who wouldn't? She's desperate and scared at the same time to be with him. She knows there will never be any future for them. Is she willing to be just another woman he sleeps with?

"I suggest that you go abroad for a few years. Somewhere that any news of me won't be able to reach you if it really hurt that much. All expenses paid, I will arrange it" he continued, startling her out of her thought.

"Arrange it? Expenses paid? Like a mistress? And you still expect me to come back to you?" she whispered, doing everything in her power not to cry in front of him.

"You will come back or I will find you. And this I can promise you, if you made me do something like that, you will regret it" he said in a soft voice but there's a warning behind it.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now