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She sigh in pleasure, closing her eyes and leaning against him. Letting him bath her.

"That good, huh?" he whispered against her ear, amusement in his voice.

"Hmmm..." she murmured in confirmation.

They stay like that for a few minutes then he move to get a sponge and started to clean her then him. He put the sponge away then wrap one of his arm around her stomach while the other wrap around her neck, guiding her head towards him and claim her mouth in a soft sweet kiss.

She moan and turn her body towards him and wrap her arms around his neck. She want the kiss to last forever and tried to capture his mouth when he ended it but he just laugh and stand up.

That made his cock align with her face and without thinking she grab his erection and lick the head. He gasped, grab her hair then pull her head back. Their eyes met and held.

"Are you sure you want--?"

"Yes!" she answered without letting him finish, making him laugh again.

"Very eager little ex-virgin" he murmured, his free hand move to cup her cheeks while his thumb caress her lower lip.

He study her face for a little while then smirk down at her.

"We better make you comfortable then" he finally said then help her up and out of the tub.

Still wet they went back to the bed. He seat at the edge and help her position between his spread legs on her knees.

"Show me what you've learn from those erotic books I have to pay for" he murmured in a seductive voice, his thumb stroking her face.

She gulp, looking up at him.

"Well? Have you change your mind?" He challenge.

She shake her head then bit her lower, feeling uncertain.

"Get on with it then" he said in a daring tone, smirking down at her.

Serina took a deep breath and move closer. She cup his erection with both hands and gently stroke up and down. She look up to see his reaction but he just raise his eyebrow at her, meeting her eyes. 

She gulp again, now feeling nervous. She have to please him! Make him like this, her enough. Mind set, she took the head of his erection in her mouth and suck hard.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed then grab her hair to pull her head back. She release his cock with a pop. 

Frowning, she meet his eyes. Did it not please him? She asked worriedly and bit her lower lip again.

"It pleases me but don't suck too hard. I want to enjoy this" he explain.

"Did I voice my mind again?" She asked hesitantly.

He did not answer but lean down and took her mouth in a hot wet kiss. Playing with her tongue. She moan, wrapping her armed around his neck and tried to get closer but he ended the kiss by gently pulling her head back.

"Don't be too greedy. You want to please me, right?" He whispered against her lips.

Serina blink and wet her lips. Trying hard to clear the fog of lust and focus on his face.

"There you are" he said, gently prying her arms off around his neck then straighten up and release the hold on her hair. "You can continue" he said leaning back, both of his hand on the bed to support himself, very relax.

She look down and her lips almost touch his erection. Without any word, she cup his length again, stroking him up and down. Then she took the head of his erection in her mouth and gently suck while her hand not stopping stroking him. Getting the hang of it after a few minutes and starting to enjoy herself, she angle her head and took more of him inside her mouth. She felt him tense a little but she didn't stop to check his face.

She moan and took more of him until she can feel him in her throat then stop. Blinking back tears and trying to remember what she read. She gulp around his cock and heard him curse again.

"Can you take more of me?" He asked in a horse voice.

As answered, she angle her head and slowly took more. Breathing through her nose and gulping when she's about to gag.

"Damn!" He grab her hair and gently pull her head back enough so he can see her face.

She meet his eyes, the head of his cock still inside her mouth and hands not stopping their movement. 

"I guess those books are worth it" he murmured, eyes dark and cheek flush.

She did not answer but lick the head of his cock.

"Come here" he said in a pain voice and help her straddle him.

She hold on to his shoulder for support as he guide her hips to take him inside her. They both watch as she slowly sunk down until their pelvis met.

As one they look up and eyes held. They stay like that for a few moments. Lips almost touching. Breathing hard.

"Move" he said in a gruff voice.

She smiled at him then do as he says. Riding him slowly up and down then hard and fast when she got the hang of it. One of his hand move up to cup her breast, thumbing her nipple until she gasp.

Her moan and his hard breathing filled the room until she can take it no longer.

"Seth, please.... I-" she stopped, shaking her head but not stopping her movement.

His eyes held her then in a sudden movement she was on her back while he lean over her, their bodies still joined. He lifted one of her legs to his shoulder then fuck into her hard that the bed bang against the wall.

Mindless with pleasure, Serina moan and meet him thrust for thrust until she scream from intense pleasure when she cum.

Before passing out, she felt him give a loud curse then convulse above her as he cum deep inside her.

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