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Early the next morning,  as Seth said, a car arrive to take her to the airport.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" her uncle asked beside her while they're waiting for the staff to load her luggage in the car.

"I know you meant well, Uncle. But this is better than what you plan" she whispered, not looking at him.

"Better? A secret mistress to a prince than to be a noble's wife?" uncle Jack said mockingly.

Serina sigh. Her uncle never really mince words, he will say what he want regardless of hurting someone. She appreciate that but sometimes it's better if he don't mock whatever she decide.

"I know what I am, Uncle Jack, even if you let me use your name. I'm not of noble birth. I'm no one. What if my noble husband found out? I'm sure he will not be happy and worse case scenario, divorce me and sue us for lying" she explained again.

The earl scoffed at that. "I may not be powerful and well connected but I'm rich. I can find a poor noble husband for you to marry" he continued importantly.

She smile adoringly down at him.

"We're no longer in medieval times, Uncle. Woman this day can make their own choice" she reminded him gently.

"And what a poor choice they're making" he answered with a speaking look.

She just smile and hug the earl tightly. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know. Who wouldn't? I save you and your parents. If it weren't for your adorable eyes when I found you and your family on my property, I would have had you arrested for trespassing" he said, awkwardly patting her in the back.

She laugh at that then let him go. "Well, hope you will let me visit every now and then"

"As if your prince will allow that" he commented drily.

"He wants this relationship a secret. If he doesn't want anyone to know then he will let me visit just for the sake of appearances. He's not aware that you know everything" she said firmly.

"This generation of the royal family is controlling, manipulative and possessive. I just hope you will not regret this" he said looking at her eyes.

"I'll be happy as long as you are not hurt" she smile.

"I'm old. I will not live long. Nothing can hurt me now" he scoffed.

"Don't talk like that. You will live for a hundred more years" she happily told him.

"Huh! Like I will want to live that long" he said scoffing.

She just laugh and hug him again then turn to find the driver waiting with the back passenger door open.

"I'll call as soon as I settled in" she promised, going down the stairs then wave before entering the car.

The driver close the door for her then went to the driver seat and slowly drive out of her uncle's mansion. She look back until the mansion is only a blur. That's when the tears started.

She will have to go through with her decision or the earl will get hurt when everyone found out who she is. This way she can save the earl from embarrassment and probably prosecution. She will make sure that the earl is protected from all this, after all the help he gave. He also put his name on the line claiming her to be his niece.

She doesn't want to accept his offer of a dowry. He already done enough for her. It's her turn now to protect him. And the only way to do that is to be Seth's mistress.

When everyone found out, she hope she already establish herself with Seth and he will help her and the earl when the time comes. Who is more powerful than the King's cousin and the 7th in line to the throne?  Being the prince mistress is better than being a poor nobleman's wife when everything blows over. And she's sure it will. She's just thankful that Prince Seth wants her too.

She already decided on the day of the party that she will do everything to  be the mistress or lover to one of the Princes. At first, she naively thought that she can catch the King's attention but after meeting him she knows that it's next to impossible. The king seems so cold and distant.

Drying her eyes, she look at the side window. A smile form on her lips when she thought of Seth.

Two years she will not be able to see him but it's worth it. In those years, she will study on how to be a perfect mistress. She found an e-book about being a perfect mistress on the internet last night, without second thought she bought it and it's now safe inside her iPad and waiting to be read.

Seth. She stifled a sigh and a heat form in her lower belly. She can't wait to see him again. With a smile on her face, she reminisce their first meeting, their first dance, and their first kiss.... Her toes curled remembering the feel of his lips and her pussy tingles. She can't wait to be with him.

He is a dream come true. She thought she will die without experiencing her first kiss, first touch but now she will experience more than that and it made her feel giddy. She will enjoy being a mistress to the fullest cause when her secret comes out, Seth will likely drop her and condemn her for being who she was. A commoner and a murderers daughter.

He probably have the sixth sense since he wants to keep their affair private. But being a secret mistress is actually in favor for her. She can blackmail him if he refuses to help her uncle. With that thought in mind her spirit plummeted down. She hope that it will not come to that.

Still feeling down. She got out of the car when the driver open it. Her eyes rounded when she saw a private jet waiting that has the royal crest on the side.

Two handsome men and a beautiful woman are standing on the foot of the stairs, waiting for her. Hesitantly she walks toward them.

"My lady, my name is Geo Ortem, I'm your pilot. This is Zazu Euqrot, my co-pilot and Miss Arta Atez, one of the flight attendant" the taller man greeted with a bow and a polite smile.

The other man bow and Arta cursty, both smiling at her.

"I don't understand..." she murmured. She didn't expect to ride a private jet. She thought she's going to ride economy class plane so no one can notice. This is supposed to be a secret, right? Everyone will notice if she use the royal family's private jet. She thought loudly, nervously looking around the empty runway.

She was so worried and busy looking around she didn't notice when the three person before her blink at her then look at each other. But no one have the courage to tell her that she's saying it loud enough for them to hear.

"Everything was taken care of and the jet is privately owned by his highness" Arta said assuringly.

"His highness already give us a briefing so you don't have to worry about a thing" Zazu seconded with a  gentle smile.

Well, there it is. This people must be one of the trusted staff.

She smile a little and nodded when Arta gesture for her to board the jet. When she reach the entrance she is greeted by another woman that made her blink.

"My lady, my name is Tarra. If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to call me" the beautiful woman greeted warmly.

"You're twins..." again before thinking, she blurted out the obvious.

"Ah, yes, my lady. I'm the younger twins" Tarra said with a wide smile.

"You should have ignore me. I always blurt out what's on my mind" she said, blushing.

Tarra did not comment but directed her to her seat then proceeded to buckle her up and offer her a drink which she decline with a shy smile.

She heard Geo's voice announcing they'll be taking off in a few moment, their travel time and all other normal procedure.

When they're on the air and the buckle light turn off, she remove her seat belt and recline her chair a little, finding a comfortable position.

The Prince's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now