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Serina, elbows on the chair's hand rest with both hands supporting her jaw, frown as she looks at the door of the study room. She's sitting in the receiving area, waiting for Seth to finish his work so they can go out and ride as he promise.

Without informing him she decided to go out for a ride while he's working only to be drag back inside the house before she can enter the barn. She was so embarrass and angry at the time that she shouted at him. He did not say anything and just let her rant then kiss her when she pause for breath. He fuck her within an inch of her life that time and after that inform her in the same breath to never made a move or a decision without telling him first and he will take her riding soon then got dress and lock himself in the study again.

That was four days ago and he just now finally remember that promise when she woke him up with his cock inside her mouth then told her to ride him. She blush and squirm in her seat. She rarely initiate their lovemaking that he always took advantage when she did.

She sigh again and look at the study room.

Two weeks since that episode with him losing his cool with his cousin, they still keep to their routine. The difference this time is she is now ban from the study room whenever he work. And he stay there until noon after they had breakfast together.

She pout. Thinking about it, he's no longer fucking her after breakfast and before he go to the study since that day also. Two changes just because his cousin was an asshole. Seth ignores her inquiry also about what happen with his cousin. Saying, 'He's just being himself and we usually just ignore him'

She sigh. He never meet Prince Kylian but she's already half way to hating him. Remembering the conversation she had with her uncle on the phone when she ask about the asshole prince, she frown.

'Well, base on what I heard, Prince Kylian agreed to be a witness in a case that Prince Seth's firm is handling. Not to his cousin's favor but to the favor of the criminal..." She heard the uncertainty on his uncle's voice.

"What is it, uncle Jack?"

"The Duke of Nytsed, Nate Heville is involve" he finally answered in a sigh.

She paled and her hands shook. "Please tell me" she beg.

"Didn't the prince tell you about this?" Her uncle ask unhappily.

"He doesn't discuss his work. Please tell me" she waited, holding her breath.

"They're keeping it under wrap since the accuse is a titled and powerful man. I got this information from a source, apparently the duke got home drank and found this girl cleaning up his bedroom. It was early in the morning and the girl usually clean at that time when the duke was out, it was just unfortunately on that day the young duke didn't come home until early the next morning. Anyway, he assaulted her and was actually caught in the act of raping the girl when some of the servants heard her scream and they come running through the door. Without care, the duke just keep raping the girl and shouted at the servants to get out and close the door" the earl finished.

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