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"Is the King that scary?" Serina asked in a soft voice, eyes lowered on his chin.

"He can be. Especially when he uses his title" Seth answered in a sigh.

Serina nodded and bit her lip.

"Don't do that" Seth whispered and release her lower lip from her teeth with his thumb under the chin.

Eyes wide and mouth hanging open she lift her head sharply to look at him.

"I don't want you keeping your thoughts from me. I like to listen to you talk to yourself" he murmured.

Heart hurting and throat dry, her eyes watered and a lone tear fell down her cheek. Seth releases a breath loudly and thumbing that tear away.

"Don't cry, Serina. Everything will be fine" he console in a soft voice.

"When are you getting married?" She asked instead, taking a deep steadying breath.

"I don't know. The engagement is not even announced yet" he answered in an unconcerned tone, looking at her with deep penetrating eyes.

She nodded weakly and force a smile on her lips. "I'm ok now. I really want that shower so badly. It's been a long day for me and it's still morning!" she fake a laugh.

He put a restraining hands on her hips when she made a move to get off his lap. She meets his eyes and gulped.

"We will keep to this arrangement even after my marriage, Serina" he said in a seriously dangerous tone.

She cupped his face with both hands and murmured against his lips, "Just know that I love you no matter what happens" then kiss him on the lips.


Seth stares his cousins down as he again faces them in the study after leaving Serina in the bedroom.

"I'm innocent in all this so stop giving me that look," Vane said in a breath.

"I don't like excusing myself but for the first time I can say I didn't know she doesn't know you're engaged," Etienne said innocently but there's a glint of enjoyment in his eyes.

"Well, as far as I know, I did you a favour. Now, we just need to wait what she will do" Kylian said and lean forward to take a sandwich Kyna left on the table for them.

"She will stay with me and that's been decided so stop fucking around. Don't make me seriously hate you, Kylian. You don't want me butting in when you found your woman" Seth said in a threateningly calm voice.

Kylian laugh so hard he almost fell off his chair. Vane rolled his eyes on Kylian while Etienne shake his head. Seth on the verge of violence again, fist his hands.

"My woman will be so strong-minded even I can't control her so don't even bother to butt in," Kylian said when he finally stop laughing.

Seth did not speak and lean back on his chair. He will get even with Kylian someday, he thought devilishly.

"So what are you going to do?" Etienne asked curiously.

"You know you can no longer drag the engagement anymore" Vane commented when Seth did no answer readily.

"The King also want you to come back with us to the palace" Etienne supplied when Seth remain silence after a moment.

Seth looks at Etienne sharply. That's news for him. What does he want now? He thought in anger.

 "Oh, thank you Etienne for reminding me" Kylian said dramatically.

They all turn to him at once, all with a raise brow.

"The King also said to bring Serina with us" Kylian said with a big pleasant smile.

"The hell!?" Seth burst out in shock and anger.

Etienne and Vane look at him in surprise while Kylian give him a big smile, so please with himself.

"Seth, you've been losing your cool since we came here. I've never seen you like this before" Etienne commented in a puzzle voice.

Seth did not answer and grit his teeth. He's also gritting his teeth too much this days, he thought. When the King tell you something, one must do it without question. He open his mouth to asked the forbidden question when a knock sound at the door.

They all look as the door opens and a frantic Kyna came in.

"Your Highnesses, I'm sorry for the interruption but..." Kyna stopped and took a deep breath while Seth frown and stand up.

"Tell me" he commanded in a calm voice.

"Serina is missing" Kyna said in a worried voice.

Seth paled and went rigid a moment before all hell breaks lose.


Serina stares far away as she sits and leans under the tree facing the manmade lake. After that talk with Seth, he joins her on the shower and made slow love to her on the bathroom followed by hard fucking on the bed. He then told her as he got out of bed to get some sleep while he takes care of his cousins.

As soon as the bedroom door close, she got up and get dress. Taking the balcony door to go out, she walks the woods and ends up in the manmade lake. She position herself under the tree where she knows whoever passed by will not see her unless they round the tree.

"You're causing a stir with your disappearance act," a pleasant voice said.

Startled, she turn sharply and found Kylian leaning his back on the same tree. She did not respond and just stare at him blankly.

"How disrespectful. Did no one teach you how to properly greet a royalty?" Kylian said not looking at her.

She still did not speak and went back to her position on the tree. She again has a faraway look but still quiet. She's dying inside and her brain is blank. She doesn't know what to do and what to think anymore. She knows she can't stay and be with Seth anymore. Shivering, she lifts her legs to her chest and hugs it.

"You're not planning on hurting yourself or anything like that, right?" the man beside her said.

"No" she answered in a whisper and place her chin on her knees.

"That's good," Kylian said, still in his relax pose against the tree.

"Your Highness, why did you do it?" she asked after a moment of silence, eyes on the lake.

"Let's just say that I don't care how or what method was used to get what I want as long as I get it," Kylian said, giving her a glance, not pretending to misunderstand what she meant.

"I see" she murmured without emotion, still not looking at him.

Silence reign then in an alarmingly pleasant tone Kylian said, "I'm glad you do because Serina, it is you that I want"

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