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Serina feel cold as she took Chase's hand to let him help her get off the car. He give the key to the waiting clergy and offer her his arm.

She give him a nervous smile and hook her hands on his. Heart beating fast, she look around as many beautiful people walk up the stairs of the palace where the engagement party is going to be held.

"You're right on time" a deep pleasant voice said from behind.

They both turn to find a man smiling at them while the other is handing his car key to another clergy.

"Leander" Chase greeted with a nod.

Serina eyes widen when she recognize the first man. It's Leander Olliric in the flesh! The captain of Latrommi's football team! She stare fascinated, momentarily forgetting her nervousness.

Leander is tall, blonde and very handsome with friendly grey eyes. He's 4th in line to the throne and the ambassador of the Kingdom as he always has a ready smile for everyone and is very friendly.

"My brother is not yet here, I see" the second man commented as he stop beside them.

She blink and stare up at the man with cold grey eyes. Kirean Olliric, like his cousins, is very tall and very handsome with raven black hair that almost reach his shoulder. He's 6th in line to the throne, younger identical twin brother to Kylian, and he handle the Kingdom's defense as he owns one of the famous company that sells weapon all over the world.

"Kirean, we were not sure you're coming. Kylian mention something about a broken heart?"

They all look as Theron with another very handsome man join their group out of nowhere.

"Ah. He did threaten that if I don't show up on this engagement party to give my support he will spread rumour. I guess I made the wrong decision to surprise him with my appearance tonight" Kirean said in a dead tone.

"Typical of Kylian, huh?" The handsome man with Theron commented with a friendly smile then wink at her when he notice her looking at them wide eye and open mouthed.

"Oh! Your Highnesses" she breath out in amazement and curtsy.

Kayden Olliric, 13th in line to the throne, is also very tall and handsome with raven black hair and grey eyes like his older brother, Vane.

"And who is this pretty lady?" Kayden asked politely.

"Serina, it was nice seeing you again. How long has it been?" Theron greeted with a warm smile.

"Serina... Ah, I see" Kirean said and stare at her with those cold grey eyes.

"Don't we all?" Kayden commented with a laugh that made Serina frown.

"Why don't we continue this inside?" Chase finally cut in and indicated the crowd staring at them in amazement.

Chase lead the way inside with the rest following behind.

"Well, you can't fault them. It's really rare to see three of us together let alone five of us" Theron commented drily.

"Should we wave or something like other country's Princes do?" Kayden asked in amusement.

"Leander and you do that. You both are celebrity or something, right?" Theron answered back.

"Am I detecting jealousy there?" Leander asked teasingly.

"Like hell" Theron readily answered harshly.

Serina listen to the banter and hide a smile. The rumour about the Princes closeness are true then. She's glad Seth have a family that will look out for him. Thinking of Seth, her hand tighten on Chase arms unknowingly as they enter the crowded ballroom. They all take their place in a secluded area and turn to face each other in a circle that effectively give an unspoken message 'disturb at your own risk'.

Chase stays beside her and Theron on her other side. The cousins continued their talk about the very bad decision Luca made getting himself officially engaged.

Not really listening to their conversation, her mind drifted to Seth. Will he really approach her? Or had he already forgotten about her? She suck in a breath with that thought. Gosh! What is she even doing here? She can't face Seth without bursting into tears and then hugging him.

"Interesting. She really do speak her mind" Kayden commented.

Serina startled, look up to find all the Princes looking at her oddly. She went red and bit her lower lip, wanting to die at that moment.

"And she's not even aware she's doing it" Theron supplied in amusement.

"Maybe that's the allure?" Leander asked thoughtfully.

"I can't really say if my brother is a reliable source but he mention something about Seth finally acknowledging it?" Kirean commented drily.

His cousins crowd him in a flash. Even Chase, who's watching the crowd, turn his head to look at Kirean. Serina, puzzled, just waited and listen. If it's about Seth then she also wants to know.

"Ah. That's an interesting reaction if I ever see one" Kirean said in amusement.

"Seth has been the topic of our family conversation ever since he did something he would normally not do," Leander said nonchalantly.

"Well, I'm sorry but that's the only information I have. My curiosity force me to attend tonight" Kirean said amicably.

"That explain it. I can never imagine you being here just because your brother threaten you" Kayden said in good humour.

Serina losing her patient finally blurted out, "Can we go back to talking about Seth please?"

Who cares about Kylian and their curiosity? Can't they just stay on topic and start talking about Seth? She thought in exasperation, looking at their feet. What did Seth finally acknowledge? His engagement? Did he finally set a date? She worriedly fist her hands beside her then lift her head and found them looking at her in astonishment.

Silence reign as she pale and hold her breath. Please, someone tell her she did not just voice that out loud.

"Actually, you did" Chase finally spoke up in a choke voice.

"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean it!" She said in horror, eyes wide in fright. How could she have forgotten to bite her tongue?

"Of course you did" Kirean said smoothly.

She groan. They're really brothers, remembering the same exact response she got when she blurted out to Prince Kylian that she doesn't like him.

There was a stun silence then the Princes all laugh at once, gathering the curious stare of many people around them but no one dare approach.

"I think I'm going to like you" Theron was the first one to speak.

"Who wouldn't? Anyone who can say to Kylian's face they don't like him is likeable" Kirean conceded, smiling down at her.

This time Serina's face feels so hot she bet one can cook egg on it. Biting her lips, she promise to herself to stop thinking whenever someone is around.

"Well, let's get to business then. Nate just arrive" Chase said in a serious voice and they all look at the ballroom's entrance.

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