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When Serina woke up, she was alone and it's early morning. She gasp then moan when she made a move to get up and felt the tenderness between her thigh.

She carefully assess her body. Aside from the tenderness, she felt like she shock herself with a vigorous exercise last night and now her muscle is screaming. Gently, she got out of bed and took a quick shower.

Getting dress, she look about the room and notice a flower on the bedside table. She walks towards it, pick up the flower and then saw a letter.

'I'll be in the study room. Find me when you wake up' The letter read and she smile happily.

She carefully put the letter back on the side table but keep the flower. Went out of the room and knock on the study room.

"Come in" a muffle voice said.

She turn the knob and enter. Closing the door and leaning against it as she watch with fascinating eyes.

Seth did not look up as she entered but head bent down a little. The early sun is right behind him that create a shadow on the side of his face. He was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.

"Are you ok?" Seth asked, frowning at her when he look up and saw a tear slide down her cheek.

She shake her head at him, wipe the single tear and smile.

"You look like an angel just now" she said honestly.

His frown deepen. "And it made you shed a tear?" he said then stand up, closing his laptop.

"I was just so touch" she answered.

He shake his head then walks toward her. She watched him, feeling nervous all of a sudden. He stop a few inches and place his hand on either side of her head then lean down that their nose almost touch.

She licked her dry lips and his eyes flare, making her shiver and wetness gather between her thigh. She squirm a little then wince when she felt a little pain between her thigh.

"No" he said suddenly then straighten up and reach behind her to open the door.

She blink and move to follow him as he got out of the room. Still arouse and not understanding what happen, she follows him to the kitchen.

"Do you cook?" he asked, giving her a glance.

"Y-yeah?" she asked, still in a daze.

"You cook. I'll make us coffee" he said then do just that.

She blink at him. "I don't... I don't understand" she finally voice out.

"As much as I want to fuck you right now, I'm not a complete bastard. You're hurting" he explain simply, his back to her.

"Oh" she blush.

"I'm hungry" he said, still not turning to look at her.

"Ah, yes" she said and gather all the ingredients she needed to make a pan cake. She put it all down on the kitchen aisle, her back to him. "Is pan cake ok?" She suddenly thought to ask, turning to face him and gasp.

He's just inches away from her with a flare on his eyes. "It's fine" he said in a struggle voice.

She bit her lower lip again and gulp when she notice the bulge on his jeans. Licking her lip, she slowly meet his eyes.

"Where's Kyna?" She asked in a whisper.

"I told her to take the day off and not to disturb us" he answered in a deep voice.

She nodded. They keep staring at each other for a while then both of them move at the same time. Lips mating. Body grinding, trying to get closer still.

He lift her up and she wrap her legs around his waist. He carry her back to bed then started ripping her clothes off her.

She did the same with his clothes until they both are naked.

He let her mouth go to alternately devour her breast. Sucking and licking her nipples then moving down until he reach her navel and bit her there a little then lower still until he reach her pussy.

He suck, lick and eat her up until her eyes cross then suddenly he spring up to claim her lips and plunge deep inside her.

He groan and she moan. He thrust into her hard and fast. He grab both her cheek and lift her face a little so he can take her mouth. They kiss while he fuck into her.

Serina grab onto his back and wrap his legs around his waist, meeting his thrust. Her nails digging and leaving their mark.

Feeling too much, she ended the kiss with a gasp then moan when he bit her jaw gently.

"Seth, please" she beg.

He give a small laugh then hook one of her legs on his arm and thrust harder, deeper. He angle his thrust and stars exploded behind her eyes. She scream when she cum.

He give a few thrust then groan as he cum deep inside her.

Without withdrawing from her, he move to lay on his back with her over him.

She give a little moan and wiggle a little to find a comfortable place then close her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

For the next week they have a routine. Fuck in the morning. Eat. Fuck again then they will stay in the study for a few hours ,Seth to do some work on his laptop and call a few people while she read books on the sofa.

They fuck anywhere in the house. One time while he was fucking her on the wall of the kitchen a few days ago she suddenly realize that Kyna might show up. She voice that worry to him. Without slowing his thrust he said that he already instructed Kyna not to let anyone inside the house without being called then continue to say that he might not be doing a good job for her to think of anyone but him while he's inside her. He made her cum so many times after that.

She blush thinking of that episode. Heat gather in her pelvis and she can feel herself being wet. There goes her concentration, she thought with a sigh, closing the book she's reading.

She look up to stare at Seth. He's sitting on his table while talking to someone with a grim look on his face.

"Explain" He asked in a dangerous tone then turn his eyes on his laptop and start typing fast.

"My cousin did what?" He asked in a cold voice that it sent shiver down her spine.

She put aside her book and lean back. Giving her full attention to his one side conversation.

"What kind of case do you handle again?... Good, tell me is there any law that even if I kill my cousin I can get away with it?" He said in a very serious tone that if she didn't know better he really meant to kill his cousin.

"That's a pity. The world will be a better place without him on it... It's fine. I'll talk to him myself...." Then Seth continue to give instruction to what she assume base on his conversation that the other person on the line is one of his lawyer working on his law firm.

He talk to two other people after that. Getting angry every time when no one can tell him where or why that cousin's phone is off.

Getting curious cause this is the second time she ever saw him gets angry, she gather her courage to finally speak when he ended his current call.

"Is something wrong?"

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