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Her uncle cleared his throat and continue the introduction. Seth did not take her hand or say anything. When she lift her head, she saw that he is no longer looking at her but at her uncle with a raised brow.

"His Majesty, King Kale, your cousin--"

"I know he's the king as well as my cousin" Seth said cuttingly.

"My a-apologies. I m-mean--"

Seth did not let him finish but turn a little to fully face her and Theron that startled her. He did not look at her but directly at his brother.

"How long are you gonna hold her hand? I'm sure she doesn't need any assistance standing on her own" He commented sarcastically.

Serina quickly take her hand back, not realizing Theron is still holding it, since she's so busy staring at Seth.

"Don't be an ass, Seth" Vane said then turn to look at her uncle. "We apologize for his behavior, he has been approach by many parents today due to what the king informs them as I'm sure you were told also"

"No need to apologize" her uncle said immediately, clearing his throat, then continue uncomfortably. "I understand but does that mean he's not looking for a wife?"

"Yes. King Kale is just amusing himself in expense of my older brother here" Theron answered with a laugh.

"Ah. Yes, yes, of course. If one of you wants to marry I'm sure it will be announce" her uncle laughed along but she can feel he's really disappointed like her.

Disappointed? Why would she be disappointed? She does not want to marry, right? She thought then glance at Seth who stays silence and not looking at any of them.

She's staring at Seth while her uncle talks with Theron and Vane, that's why she notice when Seth flinch. She follows what he's looking at and saw a couple heading towards them. The man is tall and so handsome with jet black hair and in his arm is a beautiful woman with fair skin and long straight black hair that reach her butt.

"Incoming" Vane said quietly nodding towards the couple.

Prince Theron and her uncle stop their conversation and turn to look. The three men stayed quiet and feeling the change in the air, her uncle stayed quiet also, until the couple reach them.

Serina made a sudden decision. Letting go of her uncle's arm and making a room for the couple so she is between Seth and the woman.

Nobody spoke but she can feel all eyes are on her. She can feel the blood rushing to her face but she did not lift her head and pretend nothing is happening. Standing between them make her feel small, literally. She only reach Seth's upper chest and the woman's chin, in her heels. She saw that the woman is only wearing two inch high heels while she's wearing four inches that is hurting her feet.

"Well, Ian, long time no see" it was Theron who break the silence.

"Your highnesses" the man greeted and bow, while the woman curtsy.

"I believe you haven't meet the Earl of Elade and his niece, Lady Serina" Theron continued.

"No. I don't believe we do" Ian answered.

"Ian Sommer, Duke of Eladrevir and his fiancée, the beautiful Lady Jewel, oldest daughter of the Duke of Ethidrahs. Lord Jack Black, Earl of Elade and Lady Serina Black" Therone introduces.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Ian said politely with a slight bow.

Lady Jewel didn't say anything but made a small curtsy.

"The pleasure is all mine" Lord Jack said with a bow. "My condolences on your father's death"

"Thank you. It's a relief, actually. Now he can rest" Ian said without emotion and incline his head.

"You look very young" Serina said out of nowhere and blush when that made her the center of attention.

"I'm 26. Same age as Theron and I guess Vane's younger brother Kayden" Ian answered, glancing at Vane which nodded in confirmation. "I feel very old though" he continued with a shrug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it out loud" Serina apologized, embarrassed.

"Nah. It's ok. You're the one who looks really young" Ian look at her from head to toe.

"I'm eighteen. I was just introduce to the king" she easily volunteer.

"No wonder. You look different" Lady Jewel finally speak.

"Different?" Serina asked with a frown, looking up.

"Innocent. You know, these men can eat you alive without you noticing it" Lady Jewel said conversationally.

"It's fine. I decided to only be eaten by Prince Seth" Serina said without thinking, again.

Everyone stilled. She paled then blushed and bow her head in embarrassment. Someone kill her now please, she thought desperately.

Then her Uncle made a fitting cough. Theron and Ian started to laughed out loud. Vane shake his head in amusement. Jewel looks at her in disgust. Seth just looks at her without expression.

She was appalled with herself. How could she say that? One of her flaw is saying what's on her mind without really realizing it. She refuse to look at Seth's face.

"Please excuse her. She always vocalize what she thinks" Lord Jack said uncomfortably.

"If I didn't know better, I would think there's a hidden meaning into that statement" Vane said, still amuse.

Serina still head down, didn't say anything.

"Well, that's an invitation if I ever heard one" Lady Jewel said with a sneer. "Maybe the innocent look is just an act?"

"Jewel, don't" Ian said in an authoritative tone.

"Awww... come on. She said what she said" Jewel said. "I can go ahead and help you look for someone but sorry to say, Prince Seth is so out of your reach"

"I-I don't understand" Serina said, near tears.

"Of course you do" Jewel said sympathetically. "You're a social climber and a gold digger. I'm well connected, you know, I'm sure I can find someone here that is not averse to being use as long as they can fu--"

"Enough!" Seth cut off angrily. "You've gone too far, Lady Jewel. Apologize now"

Lady Jewel look really shock. No one reacted, everyone is looking at her disapprovingly but let Seth do the rest.

"I'm a duke's daughter. It's beneath me to apologize to--"

"You want to use status? Then, I'm cousin to the king and seventh in line to the throne. You don't want me as an enemy" Seth cut her off again.

He's not a violent person especially to women, he knows how to get his revenge without being physical. But he almost want Lady Jewel's blood in his hand when he saw Serina trying to suppress her tears.

Jewel pale and look really scared then in a shaking voice, murmured her apology. "I'm s-s-sorry"

"I suggest that you make your excuses and leave. And I mean the party itself" Seth said without expression.

"Please, Your Highness, I didn't mean to--"

Lady Jewel tries to make excuses but Seth ignores her and face Serina. "I heard a waltz playing. Should I beg?"

Serina look at him like he's one of the wonders of the world and it made him feel uneasy. He offer his arm. She took it and they both turn to go inside the ballroom.

Leaving Theron, Vane and Ian still amaze at his reaction. Lord Jack hid a satisfied smile. Lady Jewel still pale and shaking.

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