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Serina looked up at Seth in consternation.

"Why did you do that? We can still keep to the plan" she voice out in exasperation.

"A plan I was not aware you're involve of until a few moments ago!" Seth bit out at her.

"You're being unreasonable! He paid someone to kill my parents and I will not just stand here and watch as he roams free" she hissed at him and made for the door.

Seth reach out a hand to stop her but in a quick move that surprises him, she evaded his hands and open the door with one hand while the other try to keep her dress together.

"Well, that did not take long" Kylian said happily then grab the girl by the elbow and guide her inside the room.

"Where in hell did you learn that move?" Seth asked Serina harshly, ignoring his cousins as they all enter the room uninvited.

"From Chase" she smiles proudly at him.

Seth narrowed his eyes on her for a moment then takes off his evening jacket and wraps it around her shoulder. She gives him a grateful smile as she holds the jacket together to hide her gaping dress.

"I'm sorry about your parents but it's against my nature to just let you be alone with him when I know that he knows you're the spy's daughter and became obsessed with you when he found out you're mine. He hates me especially now that I'm handling the case myself. He knows you're my weakness and will try to get back to me through you" Seth said in a calm voice as he cup her cheeks with both hands.

She frowns up at him, trying to regulate the beat of her heart with what he said, not letting her imagination run wide and hope. Her? His weakness? Why? "How did he know of our arrangement?" She asked instead.

"I might have accidentally said something of that kind?" Kylian butt in.

Serina grab Seth wrist so he let her face go then turn wide eye to Kylian.

"I know. He's been doing everything in his power to die in a slow painful death and I might have obliged him soon" Seth commented in displeasure.

"You might want to do that sooner as he just grab Lucy when we pass by her on our way here and force her to come with us" Vane said in a sardonic tone.

Seth look incredulously at Kylian.

"My reaction exactly" Raine said casually.

Serina glance at the quiet timid girl on Kylian's side and look up at Seth to ask curiously. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Lucy. She's the bride's lady's maid" Seth murmured as he tenderly kiss the top of her head.

Vane, Kayden and Raine exchange glances at that show of affection.

"A poor little girl that one of my cousin got obsessed with" Kylian commented nonchalantly then look at the girl and raise his brow when Lucy glares up at him.

"Let's do this--"

"No. Leave Serina out of this" Seth said unmoving, cutting off Kayden.

"Seth! I have to do this!" Serina said, facing him. "I will not be in any danger. Chase made sure of that and I trust him" Serina cup his cheek with both hands, trying to make him see reason. "Now that you know about this it made me feel more safe because I know you will never let anything bad happen to me. I trust you with my life, Seth" she continued in a soft sweet voice.

Seth frown at her then glance at his cousins who are all coughing. Serina gave the Princes a glare but smile up at Seth.

They stare at each others eyes for a long time then with a growl Seth grab the back of her head and kiss her hard and deep right in front of his cousins who did not even bother to look away except for Lucy who blush and bow her head.

Ignoring their audience, she open her mouth and accept his tongue. Kissing him back.

"Well, that's a long hot kiss if I ever seen one" Kayden said in amusement.

"And they're still on it" Raine commented drily as he look at his watch.

"Well, that's one of us down. Thirteen more to go" Vane said in interest.

Kylian stayed quiet and impassive. Lucy look uncomfortable and squirming on her feet.

"Would the two of you stop making out in front of us and get down to business?" Raine finally said in exasperation.

Reluctantly lifting his head, Seth studied her face then sigh and said in a firm authoritative voice.. "You will not let yourself be alone with him, do you understand?"

"How can the plan work if she don't do that?" Kylian said in irritation, earning him a raised brow from his cousins and a death glare from Seth.

"She will not--"

"Seth" Serina cut in sweetly, touching his jaw lightly with her finger to make him look at her. "You'll be there. Everything's going to be alright"

Seth glare at her but she just smile at him. He took a deep breath and asked, "Tell me what the real plan is"

She smile lovingly up at him while Kylian, Raine, Vane and Kayden rolled their eyes. Lucy is looking at Serina in fascination.

Seth keep looking at his watch as he wait for Serina and Lucy to come out of the en-suite bathroom.

Kylian just wanted Lucy to take her dress off so Serina can use it but for the first time Lucy defiantly argued that she can run to her cousin's room and be back in ten minutes.

Raine got fed up with the time consuming argument, finally cut in and said to Lucy to be back in less than ten or she'll be hunt down.

Lucy nodded and run out of the door and came back panting for breath in exactly eight minutes and forty two seconds as Kylian stated in a pleasant tone.

"Seth, can you stop looking at the bathroom door and listen?" He heard Vane asked in disgust.

"You're so besotted it makes me sick" Kayden grimaced.

He ignores them and raise his brow at Kylian who continued.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..." Kylian smile sarcastically at Vane who just shrug. "Nash inform me on one of his drunken stupor that he knows who Serina really was on that party more than three years ago. He said he wanted Serina since he accidentally passed by her while she was taking her walk. He tried to track her down but you know how the Earl lives. Anyway, since he knows that Serina was the man who killed his father and Seth's woman, I let it slip that she will be attending this party and the look on his face gives me the shiver" Kylian stop for dramatic effect that they all rolled their eyes at him. "The plan will be to lure Nash to be alone with Serina and made him talk"

Seth frown at that and asked incredulously,  "That's it? You think he will just talk?"

"I know he will" Kylian said, leaning back on his chair with a pleasant mysterious smile.

"What is it you're not saying?" Seth finally asked after awhile of battling with his violent reaction.

"Let's just say I'm so good a friend I help him get what he wants" Kylian said mysteriously.

Fisting his hands, Seth made a move towards Kylian but Raine and Vane block his path.

"Seriously, Kylian, don't you have self preservation?" Kayden asked dubiously.

"Listen, Seth. Kylian will put something on Nash's drink that will make him talk and tell the truth when ask. Serina is the only one who he's willing to be alone with since Kylian told Nash that she wants revenge on you for throwing her out" Raine explained.

"Kylian tried to make Nash talk without involving anyone but he never got the chance to be alone with Nash. He always surrounds himself with people who he trust and will stop him if he said too much" Vane continued.

Seth did not speak but relaxes his stand as he stares at Kylian who smile at him, unconcern.

"I thank you both very much for ruining my fun by explaining it to him" Kylian commented flatly.

"Shut up" Vane, Raine and Kayden said all at once in annoyance.

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