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"What the fuck do you mean you still can't find her?" Seth shouted angrily on the phone.

The investigator on the other line stuttered his explanation but Seth was too angry to listen.

"I fucking know she doesn't have friends! She's a recluse, damn it! That's why I told you to investigate Blaze and Lucy. Get me something-anything!-before the day's end or it'll be your ass" he bit out then ended the call without giving the other person a chance to speak again.

He slams the phone back to the receiver and curse blue murder. He's scared and worried at the same time. What if she can never be found? What if something happens to her? He need her, damn it! When she's found, he will make sure not to ever leave her side.

He run his hand through his hair again and sighs. She'll be the death of him if this goes on for much longer. Three months has been a long time for someone to disappear. He just hope she's alright.

He already interrogated Lucy himself. Even though she's scared she never utter a word and it's making him crazy. Can she atleast assured him that Serina is safe?

"Told you, he's on his way to madness" a voice said cheerfully.

Seth lift his head and frown at Theron who entered his office without knocking. What the hell is his secretary doing?

He is currently in his New York main office. He explicitly choose that location as his brother and cousins doesn't have any business or office there. They all have their own 'territory' and New York is his.

"Ah. What a pitiful sight" Vane commented humorously, glancing behind.

Following behind him are Raine, Etienne, Kayden and Kurt who all frown when they saw him.

Gritting his teeth and groaning to himself, Seth give them all a glare. Perfect! Just what he need, more useless people to find his suffering laughable.

"What do you want?" He bit out aggressively.

"Oh nothing, we just want to check if we need to arrange your funeral soon" Kayden answered.

"Fuck off!" He hissed and growl when his unwelcome visitor all laughed at him.

They all look as the door open and Chase, Leander, Yueh, Kylian and Kieran entered. Well hell! What day is it that annoying people keeps popping up? He thought unkindly as he glares at the new comers.

"Ah! He's still alive?!" Kylian said, looking shock like he expected a corpse.

"I'm so close to killing someone right now so just fucking tell me why are you all here" Seth growl out dangerously.

His cousins all just laugh at him! Seriously, if he can get away with murder they are all dead right now, he thought savagely.

"Kale said that you need all of us so here we are" Etienne said with a smile.

Seth flinch. He knows he's been avoiding his family but he just can't be around with people he cares about or he'll break down. He never lose control and he will not start now. But he knows he's so close.

"Seriously, Seth, why are you pushing us away?" Chase asked in puzzlement.

"Seth, we're family. Ask us for help" Kurt declare softly.

Seth took a deep breath and with unseeing eyes, look outside the wall to ceiling glass that overlooks the city.

"I put Lucy under house arrest" Yueh said casually in the sudden silence.

Everyone raise their brow at him while Seth frown.

"Why did you do that?" Leander asked his brother in confusion.

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