Sad angry prick

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'Only you know me the way you know me
Only you forgive me when I'm sorry
Even when I messed it up
There you are'


Harry held Tommy's hand in his, he would be lying if he said it didn't feel right because as much as he hated it, it did. Everything he did with Tommy felt right in that moment. But when night came and he started to think about their relationship or whatever they had going on, it didn't feel right, he felt empty.

"So you're telling me your mum is coming this weekend?" The hazel eyed lad looks up at Harry.

"Yeah, she is." He looks away from him.

"Good thing I won't be here, ey?" Tommy never really liked Anne, not that there was something wrong with her or anything, she was just very cold towards him and he didn't like that.

"You're leaving?" Harry asks with furrowed brows.

"I am. I've got things to do." He smirks.

"Whatever." He tries to pull his hand back but Tommy grips it even harder making him wince in pain.

"Don't be like that. You know you're my favorite."

"Why don't you help me bring in the bedside table," Harry pulls his hand back again. That doesn't mean anything to me.

"Alright fine." He sighs.

Harry goes to his car outside of the complex and carefully takes the bedside table out of the boot of the car. He holds it up and lets Tommy guide him inside.

"Babe, can we shower after this?" Tommy asks as he scrolled through his phone walking and not really paying attention to his boyfriend.

"I have to go buy groceries." Harry stumbled on his feet. "Shit."

"Oh come on!" He snaps, he wanted to have a bit of fun with him.

"Fucking tell me when there's something I need to step over." Harry snaps back.

"You never want to do shit. All you want is to fucking sulk over how shitty your life is. It's fucking pathetic." Tommy turns around to glare at him.

"Move." Harry passes him trying to keep his anger in. He had no right to say any of that, it was none of his business.

"Seriously Harry, fucking get over it. Everyone gets heartbroken."

"Shut up." Harry says through gritted teeth.

"No one likes a sad angry prick." Tommy spits out.

Harry snaps his head to look at Tommy, he sometimes wondered to himself why he wouldn't just breakup with him. Let him go. After all, what they had wasn't love. It probably never will be. He decides it's best to let Tommy cool down, let himself cool down so he proceeds to walk and without paying much attention to where he was going he accidentally bumps someone with the bedside table making them fall onto the floor. Harry is quick to place the table down to help out the lad.

"Shit, sorry I didn't see you there. Here let me help you." Harry watches as the young lad tenses up and slowly looks up at him. His breath hitches when his eyes make contact with the blue irises he could never get out of his mind. It's you.

"Nick!" Tommy pushes Harry to the side to help out the lad.

"It's N-Niall." He looks anywhere but at them.

"I know, I know. But Nick suits you better." He smiles widely.

"It doesn't." Harry says under his breath, still shocked to see Niall stand three feet away from him. He wasn't sure what to feel.

"This is Harry, my boyfriend." Tommy intertwined his fingers to Harry's.

"Oh, hi." Niall glances up at him but looks away right away. Don't freak out.

"Hello..." Harry wanted Niall to look at him, look into his eyes and when he doesn't he shakes his head in anger letting go of Tommy's hand and picking up the table once again pushing past them into his flat. He doesn't care, he never did.

"Stop being a baby." Tommy says, struggling to pull Niall inside.

"No, really, I need to go." Niall tries pulling away from Tommy's strong hold. He whimpers when he is being pulled into the flat.

"Just for a bit, I'm fucking bored." He shuts the door before Niall could leave.

"Tommy," Niall looks at him with desperation.

"We can all hang out, maybe invite your boyfriend over? I'd love to meet him." Tommy frowns when he sees Harry tense up and placing the table a bit too harsh on the floor. "You're gonna break that."

"Like you care." Harry mumbles.

"You're right, I don't." Always so fucking dramatic.

"He lives in Brighton and it's already late." Niall kept his gaze down, he hated how uncomfortable he felt.

"Oh that's alright, Harry won't join us anyway. He's too boring to have a chat with anyone." Tommy rolls his eyes. "Isn't that right, Harry?"

Niall furrows his brows looking over at Harry who seemed hurt by the brunette's words. He watches him open the bedroom door and bringing the table inside shutting the door quietly behind him without saying a word.

"I'm sure he's not boring." Niall defends quietly.

"You're only saying that because you don't know him." He felt like Niall was someone he could trust and just be open about everything. He didn't feel judged by him, and maybe that's why he actually enjoyed having him over.

Niall bites down on his tongue, he really wanted to tell him he knew Harry better than anyone. Better than him. Well, he thought he did. Maybe I don't.

"You want to order pizza or something?" Tommy asks, he was bored out of his mind.

"I have to go, I'm sorry." Niall couldn't stay, not when he was close to having a mental breakdown.


"I have things to do." He chews on the inside of his cheek.

"You and Harry always have something to do, it's quite annoying if I'm being honest." Tommy sighs loudly.

"I'm sorry?" Niall didn't know what to tell him.

"Okay fine, be like that." He huffs.

Niall gave a quick glance at the bedroom door before turning around and leaving the flat. He was quick to shut his door and rush to his bedroom with tears pooling in his eyes. It's been three years and it still hurt like hell. He couldn't believe Harry, his ex boyfriend, is his next door neighbor.

Why me?


Finally a bit of narry! lol 🤣

Thank you all so much!


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