A familiar voice

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'We held our cards, built them high
But way too close to the light
So turn your head, and let us go
I'll learn to breathe on my own'


"Baby?" Ben gently shakes Niall.

"Let me sleep, Ben." Niall groans annoyed at him.

"I have to leave. I'll see you next weekend." He leans down to kiss Niall's cheek patting his bum before standing up straight and walking out of the flat.

Niall sits up slowly rubbing at his tired eyes looking around and noticing how he didn't sleep in his bed. He feels himself grow tired once again wanting to go back to sleep but he decides not to. He needed a shower.

Freshly out of the shower he goes to make himself breakfast looking around the flat making him sigh. This flat was supposed to be his happy and stress free space. You thought.

He goes to grab his phone scrolling through it finding the person he has been wanting to invite over and sending them a quick message with his address on it. "I look like utter shit." He groans at his own reflection. Niall hears his phone ding indicating he had received a message, he quickly opens it up and replies back with a smile on his face.

He hears some yelling coming from the hallway right outside of his door. He becomes frightened.

"Someone please help!"

He quickly walks over to the door placing his hand on the doorknob, he was afraid to open it. When he finally decides to open it, he sees Harry punching a lad and yelling at him angrily. Niall gets pushed to the side by Tommy who ran inside of Harry's flat. He snaps out of it when the guy hits Harry and was now on top of him throwing punches. "Stop!" He yells.

"You should've minded your own fucking business!" The lad yells in Harry's face.

"Stop." Niall clenches his jaw, he goes over to them and pulls the bloke back.

"Niall, leave." Harry stands up ruffling his hair, feeling his anger rise.

"Fucking nosy cunts." He pushes Niall harshly making him stumble back.

"Don't touch him." Harry warns him, he loses it when he sees him grip Niall's wrist. "I said to not fucking touc—"

"If you lot only had minded your business—"

"Justin, please don't!" A young woman cries out in distress.

"Shut the fuck up." He yells back at her letting go off Niall.

"The police are on their way." Harry wipes away the blood dripping from his busted lip.

"Fuck you," The man pushes Niall against the wall once again and then turns to Harry. "Fuck you all." Pushing Harry as well before leaving.

"I am so sorry!" She cries.

"It's alright, as long as you're okay?" Harry glances briefly at Niall who seemed like he was about to wee his trousers.

"Yes, thank you for helping me." She smiles.

"Next time, call the police. Don't let any man mistreat you like that." He clears his throat.

"Thank you once again," She says one last time before walking into her flat.

"You alright?" Harry asks Niall.

"What the hell just happened?" Niall asks instead.

"I'm going back to bed." Harry starts walking away but Niall stops him.

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