I don't mean to confuse you

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'Yeah, I've been feeling everything
From hate to love
From love to lust
From lust to truth
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up'


"Good morning brother-in-law!" Gemma smirks at Niall who just shyly walked into the kitchen.

"Gemma, will you stop." Harry scolds her, she's been teasing him all morning long and he didn't want her to do that to Niall as well.

"I hope you locked the door this time." She laughs out loudly.

"What are you on?" Liam raises his brow at her.

"They didn't, walked in on them snogging." Louis chuckles. "I feel like a cock blocker."

"You two kissed!" She gasps loudly, she pulls Niall towards her.

"Eh..." Niall looks over at Harry for help, he didn't know what to say.

"Oh my god! You did!" Gemma squeals. "It was about damn time."

"Leave him alone." Harry glares at her, he takes Niall's hand in his and gently pulls him away from her.

"We should celebrate." Liam grins, he was genuinely happy for them.

"Celebrate what? That we kissed?" He asks in disbelief. "You all need help."

"Don't we all." Louis sips on his coffee. "Why so quiet?" He asks Niall.

"He just woke up." Harry shoots him a glare as well.

"Quit being so defensive," Louis rolls his eyes. "I'm only trying to make conversation here."

"Sorry, I feel so out of place s'all." Niall admits to them, it's been so long since they were all like this, joking around. He was kinda regretting staying over, this was a lot to handle.

"Why?" Gemma frowns.

"It's been so long," He starts to fiddle with his fingers. "A lot has changed."

"That makes me sad." She juts her bottom lip out, it upset her to hear Niall wasn't comfortable with them anymore. "Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable."

"No, I didn't meant it like that. I'm just not sure about... I don't know," Niall looks away from her. He felt bad for ruining their morning.

"It's okay, don't worry." Harry rubs Niall's back soothingly. "Do you want pancakes, love?"

"Yes, please." Niall gives him a thankful smile.

"You know we love you, right?" Gemma goes over to him and wraps her arms around his waist. "Because we fucking love you so much. And we're happy to have you back with us."

"I love you too." Niall hugs her, he was feeling quite emotional. He missed this so much.

"Here's your pancakes, princess." Harry hands him a plate with pancakes stacked up on it.

"Wait, are you two dating?" Louis asks a bit confused.

"No." Harry sighs.

"Oh," He furrows his brows. "Okay."

"Carter was asking about you." Liam taps his fingers on the table.

"What did he want?" Harry clenches his jaw.

"Don't really know, we ignored him." He shrugs.

"He's a fucking prick." Gemma spits out, she was pissed when she found out about what he did.

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