Shower (!)

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'I wish we didn't have so many friends in common
I wish we didn't have to walk around our problems
I wish we didn't have to take all these precautions
So many birthdays that I missed, that I missed, that I missed
So I don't run right into you'


"You're shitting me!"

Niall jolts awake at the sudden booming voice, he rubs his eyes and looks over at Louis and Liam. He glances at Harry who was shockingly still asleep, cuddled next to him.

"Harry fucking Styles. Wake the fuck up!" Louis says through gritted teeth.

"You don't have to be so harsh." Niall sits up, angrily looking at Louis.

"Shut up."

"What are you doing here?" Harry sits up as well running his hand through his hair.

"Came to see you, to see if you were doing fine. But by the looks of it, you're more than fine." Liam gives Niall a dirty look.

"Get out." Louis points to Niall.

"Louis," Harry gives him a pissed off look.

"It's better off if I leave." Niall gets out of the bed and slips on his sneakers quickly. He glances over at Harry giving him a small smile before walking out with his head hung low.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The Doncaster lad snaps at Harry.

"Have you gone mad?" Liam walks over to Harry.

"You're fucking assholes." Harry mutters.

"Are you really going to let him in again? After what he did to you? Shall I remind you all those sleepless nights?!"

"No, Louis. I don't need you to remind me how fucking shitty my life has been." He was already missing Niall's warmth and he hated that.

"You've got Tommy," Liam sighs. "And he has the other lad, Beck was it?"

"Maybe... maybe breaking up wasn't the rig—"

"Don't do that." Louis cuts him off. "Niall hurt you, and I'm not letting you go back to someone like him."

"What was he doing here anyway? Is he already getting tired of the other one?"

"He was here because I asked him to stay." Harry hated how harsh they were being towards everything.

"But why?" Louis stresses out. "Why didn't you call Tommy?"

"You know why." Harry sighs softly. "I can't force him to do something he's not comfortable with."

"What about us!?! Or your mum!!?"

"Because you all treat me like I'm a fucking child. And I'm not one." He pulls on his hair in frustration.

"Don't be a fucking idiot." Louis couldn't believe how stupid Harry was being.



Niall had called Shawn to pick him up from the hospital, he stayed quiet most of the ride and it only drove Shawn mad.

"Bud, why were you in the hospital?" He asks once again.

"Harry, his stress levels were very high and he fainted." Niall looks out the window.

"But, what were you doing there?" He asks.

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