Please talk to me

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'Since we're alone
Show me all that you are
And if you get lost in the light
It's okay, I can see in the dark'


"Well that was stressful." Niall falls onto the bed.

"I'm sure Greg will get over it, I mean, he has to. It's your life not his." Harry sits on the edge of the bed.

"He has the right to be pissed though, after my parents split he took it upon himself to step up. He worked hard for me to have a better future and I threw all that away. Maybe I am a screwed up mess," He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"You're not." He breathes out. "Sometimes we have to follow our hearts, even if to others it doesn't seem like the right choice. If you're happy, you shouldn't care what others think."


"Baby, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of everything you've done, and you know why?" He swings his leg over Niall straddling his legs. "Because you followed your heart and that's all that matters."

"Your being too kind." Niall shyly looks away.

"I'm not, love, please don't be so hard on yourself." He dips his head down. "You're doing the best you can, you should be proud of yourself."

"Are you going to kiss me?" He asks when he feels Harry's hot breath against his lips.

"No," Harry teases. "Just wanted a closer look at your mesmerizing eyes, your soft lips, your freckles, and your cute button nose." He laughs when Niall scrunches his nose after he lightly bopped it.

"You were definitely going to kiss me." Niall smirks.

"Was I now?" He presses his lips against Niall's jaw. "I think you want me to kiss you but you're too shy to admit it."

"Stop being like that." Niall whines, he pulls him down completely closing the gap and kissing him hard on the lips. He starts unbuttoning his shirt as fast as he could. "Why can't you fucking wear something that's easy to take off?"

"Well, that wouldn't be fun." Harry chuckles, he helps Niall in removing his shirt. "There, happy?"


"No?" He leans back to look at him.

"You're not fully naked, are you?" Niall raises his brow at him.

"I'm not, you're not either." Harry chuckles. "Are you waiting for me to rip them off?"

"Hell no, this is my favorite top, are you mad?" He pushes him off and sits up.

"I thought I was your favorite top." He tries not to laugh but fails and was now in a laughing fit.

"I can't with you." Niall shakes his head, waiting for him to stop laughing. "Are you done?"

"Sorry, baby." Harry gives him a sheepish smile.

"Your jokes suck." He humphs.

"No they don't, oh, I've got something for you actually." He goes to fetch the gift Tommy had left for Niall. "Here." He hands it to him.

"What is it?" Niall asks in curiosity.

"Not sure, Tommy, he left it for you." He gives him a small smile.

"Oh okay." He slowly unties the ribbon and removes the lid from the box. He looks inside and instantly turns bright red. "Is this a joke?"

"What?" Harry sees Niall's reddened cheeks, wanting to know what was inside he goes and sits next to Niall to look inside it.

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