Kisses make everything better

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"You need to eat Niall, please." Ben has been begging him to eat for the past hour but he has had no luck.

"I can't, Ben, I really can't." Niall woke up feeling very nauseous again, he couldn't even look at the delicious food Ben has prepared for him without gagging.

"Okay, but at least drink water." He pushes the glass filled with water towards him.

"Why are you being so kind to me? I don't deserve it." Niall takes the glass of water from him and gently presses it between his lips taking a small sip.

"Stop being so hard on yourself, love." He sits on the edge of the bed. "You're not a horrible person."

Niall stares at Ben for a good minute, taking in his beauty. He notices dark bags under his eyes and the guilt started flooding in like a tsunami, he did that. "I know I asked you to stay but, if you don't want to be here you can leave. I don't want you to feel like you have to be here."

"I don't feel that way at all. I want to be here, with you. And I don't mind taking care of you." He smiles.

"Thank you." Niall reaches over and hugs him tightly, he leans back just enough so he was face to face with him. It takes him a while to finally muster up the courage to lean in and press his lips to Ben's.

Ben kisses him back enjoying every second of it, after all it could be the last kiss they ever share. He didn't want it to end. He wanted the kiss to last forever but that was impossible and soon enough they pull away to catch their breath. "I think a walk will do us good."

Niall agrees with a nod and just when Ben was going to get up he pulls him down and kisses him once again. He shouldn't be doing such thing it'll only confuse Ben but he couldn't help it. He needed someone's touch.

"I could kiss you all day, baby. And I'd love to but I know you need some fresh air." He caresses his cheek tilting his head up and gently kissing him one last time. "Come on." He sticks his hand out.

"You're right." He takes his hand and follows him out into the lounge area. He slips on his sneakers and waits for Ben by the door.

"Ready?" Ben grins. "Maybe a run will do us better?"

"Fuck no." Niall shakes his head making Ben laugh.

They walk out of the flat and walk silently besides each other, Niall glancing at Harry's door briefly as they pass by it. He was still so confused about what happened yesterday, he's been trying to understand why Harry would just leave, all he got was that Harry never really loved him and he had actually moved on. He felt like an idiot for still loving him.

"He's a fucking asshole," Ben says once they're outside, he noticed Niall staring at Harry's door but decided not to bring it up until now.

"Huh?" Niall looks over to him.

"Harry, he shouldn't have been so harsh on you. He could've been nicer about it." He sighs.

Niall looks away not really wanting to talk about it, he wasn't ready. He was glad Ben got the hint and they walked in silence, he enjoyed it quite a lot. Once they arrive back Niall let's out a small sigh of relief, he needed a shower.

"Spring is definitely here, ey?" Ben wipes the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Yeah it is—" Niall stops abruptly when he sees Harry leaning on the building taking a smoke and laughing at something Tommy had said.

"What's wrong?" Ben looks over to where Niall was looking and sees both Harry and Tommy looking happy. "You want to go for another round? Maybe stop by the bookshop to see how Eline is doing." He says knowing how stressed Niall has been feeling for leaving the bookshop to Eline.

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