Get out

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Ben had Niall pinned down on the bed as he kissed him feverishly, roaming his hands all over the smaller lad's body. He made sure to keep him in place while he grinded on him.

"Ben," Niall mumbles against his lips trying to stop him but Ben shushes him. Truth was after seeing Harry he wasn't sure how he felt about anything. He was confused. And he hated himself for feeling like that.

Even though he wasn't in the mood to do it he lets Ben do whatever he wants, only because he felt bad, he knew it was fucked up but he didn't have the heart to tell him he wasn't in the mood to do it. Ben was too sweet.

Once they were finished, Ben had fallen asleep next to him but Niall wasn't able to sleep, he kept stirring and it only got him frustrated with himself that he couldn't fall asleep. He slips out of the bed and goes to change, he had decided to go for a run. He needed fresh air, just as he was turning up the music on his earphones to start the run, he was shocked to see Harry leaning on the building taking a smoke.

Niall tries to be as discreet as possible but the door behind him shuts too loudly making the tall lad look over to him. Oh no.

"You two done fucking?" Harry glares as he blows the toxic smoke out.

"What?" Niall nervously glances back at him.

"Fucking hell." Harry drops the cigarette onto the pavement stepping on it.

"You smoke?" The Irish lad asks taken aback by seeing him smoke.

"No." Harry says sarcastically rolling his eyes at the stupid question. I fucking hate smoking.

"You've got tattoos as well." Niall looks down at Harry's tattooed arms. What's happened?

"Are we pointing out what has changed about us now? Hm let me see," Harry pushes himself off the wall walking over to Niall. "You're brunette, no braces, you don't give a fuck about your neighbors who are trying to sleep."

"I.." Niall falters his gaze down at his trainers.

"And you're so nosy." Harry sees the hurt expression on Niall's face and as shitty as it was, he enjoyed it, he wanted him to feel hurt. He wanted Niall to be the one who was hurting and not him. "Tommy shouldn't have opened the door for you, I don't need such person in my new hom—"

"Why are you being so mean?" Niall looks up at him not understanding why he was being so harsh.

Harry stares back at him not really knowing how to answer that. He shakes his head before turning around and walking away. He felt like such a fool.


"Where were you?" Tommy asks as Harry walks into the flat.

"Out for a smoke." Harry says running his hand through his hair.

"For that long?" He raises his brow.

"Yes, dammit. I'm gonna go sleep."

"Can't believe that shy twink gets more action than me." Tommy mutters under his breath.

"Go join them." Harry spits out.

"You know what? I was going to leave until tomorrow night but I'm tired of your fucking attitude. I'm leaving right now." The brunette grabs his phone and storms out.

"I'm sorry." Harry says after him but it was already too late the brunette was already gone. And he was once again alone. I'll be okay.

He goes to make himself a sandwich pouring some wine as he waited for the bread slices to get toasted. He swirls the drink looking out the window at the moon. He hears a knock on the door and he knew it was Tommy, he never leaves. Harry takes a sip of the wine before placing the wineglass down and going over to the door.

"You really need to stop storming out and coming ba— what do you want?" Harry clenches his jaw when he sees Niall standing there.

"I want a fucking answer." Niall wasn't going to let Harry treat him like shit.

"Fuck off." Harry goes to shut the door but Niall was fast to step inside.

"All I want to know is—"

"Get out." Harry says through gritted teeth. I won't fall for you again. Never again.

"What's happened to you?" Niall frowns gasping loudly when Harry pushes him against the wall trapping him.

"I doubt you give a fuck." Harry hated that Niall smelled like cologne, the other lad's cologne.

"I know you, and I know this is all an act." Niall doesn't dare to move afraid it'll set Harry off.

"You're really getting on my nerves." He slams his fist on the wall next to Niall's face. "You don't fucking know me."

"I-I do more than you think." He stutters out.

Harry stares into Niall's blue eyes feeling himself start to fall. He couldn't look away even if he wanted to and it was pissing him off.

"I'm so—"

"What the fuck is going on?!" Tommy walks in glaring at Harry.

"I thought you left." Harry steps away from Niall.

"I was going to but then I thought about how good the make up sex will be, I decided to come back," He stares between Niall and Harry.

"Your little friend came to see you." Harry walks away from the two to finish making his sandwich.

"I'm so sorry if he scared you, he's shit at making friends." Tommy pats Niall's head. "Or at everything at that matter, although, he's fucking amazing in bed."

Niall cringes at his words trying his best not to think about what he had just said. "He didn't scare me."

"What are you doing here so late?" The brunette crosses his arms over his chest.

"Wanted to say hi." Niall lies.

"Oh alright." Tommy looks towards Harry who had his back to them. "Listen, I don't want to be rude but I really want Harry to fuck me so could you please leave?"

"I—I accidentally locked myself out and I'm waiting for my mate to bring me the spare key." Niall couldn't believe he had just lied.

"But isn't your boyfriend in there?"

"He's asleep and his phone is turned off.." He looks down at his hands. What are you doing!? Just leave.

"Fine." Tommy huffs shutting the door and motioning for Niall to follow him to the kitchen.

"He's still here?" Harry rolls his eyes.

"You're so fucking hot." Tommy goes over to him and starts kissing him sloppily.

Niall turns around to face the lounge room instead, trying to block out the smacking sounds coming from behind him. He hears a all too familiar moan and that was it, Niall runs out of the flat and out of the building. He runs and runs and runs until everything is stinging and his lungs are hurting. He wasn't sure where he was going but all he wanted was to run away from him. From everyone.

"God I'm so stupid!" He yells.

He goes over to a bench and sits down trying to calm his breathing. He should've never gone to his flat, he should've went back to Ben. Back to the person who always made sure he was alright and treated him with so much respect and love.

After a while he decides it's best to go back, it was freezing and he didn't want to catch a cold. When he gets back he walks past Harry's flat glancing at the door briefly before taking out his key and going into his own flat. He groggily walks into his lounge room and lays on the sofa letting himself fall into a deep sleep. Trying to forget.


Why won't Niall and Harry hang out? I miss them. :(

Thank you for reading! 💕


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