Running buddy

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'It's taking its toll
Deep in my soul
Now I've got to let go
We wrote our story
And we sang our songs
We hung our pictures on the wall
Now those precious moments
That we carved in stone
Are only memories after all'


"How old are you, Ben?" Shawn asks.

"Twenty eight." He smiles, he thought it was cute how Shawn was being overprotective of Niall.

"Nice, an older lad. I like that." He wiggles his brows at Niall making him groan.

"Stop being so weird." Niall whines.

"I think it's awesome, that means he's mature. Well, I hope so anyway. Guys tend to never mature. Your last boyfriend—"

"Shawn, lets talk about something else." Niall gives him a look.

"That's alright, I don't mind talking about your previous boyfriend." Ben places his hand on Niall's thigh.

"You don't, but I do." He huffs. "How's your porridge?"

"It's quite delicious, love. Do you want to try it?" The blonde lad offers.

"I'm okay, I've got my sausages." Niall wasn't a big fan of porridge and he thought it was funny Ben ordered porridge when he could've gotten something else. You can always make porridge at home.

"Niall, that was dirty." Shawn chuckles.

"Oh grow up." Niall rolls his eyes.

"Come on nialler, have a laugh!" He reaches over the table to pinch his cheek.

"Fuck off." Niall swats his hand away with a pout on his face. "Let me eat in peace."

"Alright, fine. If that's what you want," He goes back to eating his food in silence, he glances around the small restaurant and does a double take when he sees none other than Harry walking in. Jesus he's everywhere.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" Ben smiles at Niall.

"You did, but thank you once again." He blushes. "You look beautiful too." Niall caresses his cheek.

"Niall?" Shawn clears his throat interrupting them.

"Yeah?" He drops his hand down on the table and glances at him.

"It seems like your neighbor is here as well." He points behind Niall.

"What neighbor?" Niall turns around only to turn back around quickly. Fuck.

"Should we go say hi?" Ben looks between them.

"No." Both Niall and Shawn say at the same time, making the blonde lad look at them in confusion.

"Seems like he's in a rush." Shawn quickly adds.

"Which one is he? The one that's all sweaty or the one who is all suited up?" Ben asks looking at the only two standing by the counter.

"Doesn't matter." He says.

"The sweaty one." Niall mutters.

"He runs." Ben smiles. "Maybe we can have a run together when I'm over. Niall never wants to go."

"I'll run with you." Niall quickly says.

"Baby, come on, let's go say hi." He stands up and sticks his hand out for Niall. He loved meeting new people.

"I don't think you should." Shawn mumbles.

Niall rolls his eyes at him and slowly places his hand in Ben's. He lets Ben lead him towards the entrance of the restaurant where there stood Harry on his phone. Niall wanted to become invisible, he holds his breath when they get closer and Ben clears his throat.

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