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'Starry eyes
The sparks will fall on me
Starry eyes
Won't you listen that I'm here being
For you, starry eyes
Starry eyes forever
Shall be mine'


Niall enters his home, exhausted from a long day at work. He slips his trainers off and walks into the kitchen where he finds Harry cooking. He smiles softly and gently wraps his arms around his waist pressing his cheek on his back. "Hi, pet."

"Baby," Harry places his hand over his arm. "How was work?"

"Tiring." He mumbles against his back. "Everything aches." He whines.

"Is this your way of asking for a massage?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"No," Niall giggles. "But it would amazing if you gave me one."

"You're lucky that I love you." Harry chuckles. "Now can I please see your pretty face, love?"

Niall blushes and slowly lets go of him, he shyly glances up at Harry when he turns around to face him. "Stop looking at me like that." He looks away.

"Like what?" He smiles.

"Like.. Like— I don't know." He mumbles. "You're making me nervous, Haz."

"Am I now?" Harry continues to tease him.

"Harry." Niall finally looks up at him with furrowed brows. "Now you definitely owe me a fucking massage." He huffs stepping away from him and walking away to their bedroom. He sits down on the edge of the bed and starts removing his socks and jumper.

"Baby, I'd love to but I'm still not done with dinner." Harry says from the doorway, he watches Niall get comfortable in bed.

"Okay." He yawns, he wasn't going to get upset over a massage. "I'll be out there in a bit, 'm gonna nap."

"I'll come and get you when the food is ready."


"Haz, I'm gonna cry." Niall whispers all of a sudden. "I shouldn't but I can't help it, I'm really sad."

"Ni, it's okay to cry." Harry places his hand on Niall's thigh while focusing on the road. "I'm sure you won't be the only one."

"You're going to cry too?" He asks quietly.

"I might, I mean who knows when's the next time we'll see Zayn, right?" He remembers when Zayn had told them he was going back to New York how much it affected Niall, he cried so much that night. He comforted him all night. It hurt him to see him like that so he went the next day to beg Zayn to stay but all he said was it was time to go back home, and even told him he should propose to Niall before he leaves. He hasn't.

"H! That's so true! I didn't think about that." He starts crying.

"Princess, please don't cry." Harry regretted saying that, he should've stayed quiet. "How about this, we'll go to New York to visit him soon."

"Really?" Niall sniffles, he felt bad for crying but he couldn't help it. He had gotten used to seeing Zayn everyday and working with him, now it won't be the same.

"Of course, we need to go on a honey—holiday anyway." He clears his throat, hoping Niall didn't catch that.

"We can finally meet his girlfriend!" He says excitedly, oblivious of Harry's slip up.

"Yes, baby, and have some amazing plane sex." Harry gives his thigh a squeeze laughing when he hears him gasp.

"Harry." Niall glares. "You still owe me that massage." He reminds him.

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