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'Need a chance just to breathe, feel alive
And when the day meets the night, show me the light
Feel the wind and the fire hold the pain deep inside
It's in my eyes
In my eyes
I'd rather be anywhere
Anywhere but here'


"Ben, I really don't want to go." Niall has been feeling very anxious ever since Tommy had gone over to invite them for dinner. He didn't want to face them.

"Baby, come here." Ben motions for Niall to go over to him.

"I'm gonna be sick." He mumbles walking over to him.

"It'll be alright, you know why?" He places his hands on either side of Niall's cheeks tilting his face up gently so he was looking at him.

"Why?" Niall glances up at him.

"I'll be right there next to you." He smiles down at him. "I won't be going anywhere."

"Thank you." Niall breathes out instantly calming down, looking into Ben's green eyes always seemed to calm him.

"Let's go enjoy a free dinner, my love." He kisses his forehead softly.

"I love you." He hugs him tightly making him chuckle.

"I love you too." Ben wraps his arms around him just as tightly, he walks back until he's by the bed and falls back with Niall still in his arms groaning when their bodies collided. "Fuck, I shouldn't have done that."

"You're a dummy." Niall laughs out.

"I thought we'd fall gracefully, like in the movies." He huffs. "I think you injured my little friend."

"I'll kiss it better later." He winks jokingly.

"You little tease." He starts to tickle him.

"Ah!" Niall rolls off of him laughing, he sits up and looks over his shoulder at Ben, he smiles at him. He didn't deserve someone as kind as him.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to have kids," Ben sits up as well still in a bit of pain. "I am injured!"

"Oh stop being so dramatic! You'll be fine." He giggles.


"Darling, everything will be okay. We'll have dinner then we'll leave." Ben gently squeezes Niall's hand as they walk into the restaurant.

"Okay." Niall nods still not too sure about tonight.

"Do you see them?" Ben asks looking around the restaurant.

"No." He steps closer to him.

"Hm, maybe—"

"Can I help you?" An older man asks.

"Oh hi, we're here to meet our friends but we don't see them." Ben clears his throat.


"Mine? Or—"

"Of one of your friends." The man sighs.

"Harry Styles." He glances down at Niall.

"Follow me." He leads them over to where the others were already seated.

"Thank you." Ben thanks the man then looks back at the lads. "Hello, I'm Ben. Niall's boyfriend."

"Nick!" Ben stands up and goes over to Niall and hugs him.

"Hi Tommy." Niall smiles the best he could, he was surprised to see him in a tight black dress, he looked good in it.

"Hello... Ben." Liam shifts on his seat.

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