Moving in

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'Lately, I've been, I've been thinking
I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier
Even though I might not like this
I think that you'll be happier, I want you to be happier'


Niall places the last box down looking around and smiling at his new flat. He was so proud of himself, he had finally saved up enough money to move into a nice place of his own. He hears the landlord walk in so he quickly goes towards her.

"Everything alright?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Everything is perfect, Kacey." Niall smiles back at her. "Thank you."

"Lovely to hear my dear. I should get going, I've got another mover coming in at four." Kacey grins excitedly.

"Really?" Niall asks surprised. What a coincidence.

"Yeah, right next door actually. A lovely young man, I'm sure you two will get along just fine." She pushes her glasses up.

"I'll make sure to introduce myself when I can." He says with a smile.

"You're so sweet. Well, if you need anything I'm only a phone call away."

"Thank you." He thanks her again and bids her goodbye before shutting the door, he starts to unpack everything right away. He hated clutter.

It was around seven when he hears a knock on his door and realizes he hasn't eaten all day. He goes to open the door only to reveal Ben standing there with a box of pizza.

"Pizza?" Ben grins.

"Yes please!" Niall takes it away from him making him chuckle.

"No kiss?" He shuts the door following the smaller lad into the kitchen.

"Later, I'm starving." Niall smiles cheekily making Ben laugh. "Where's the key I gave you?"

"I've got it, I just wanted to knock." He smiles. "It seems like you've finished unpacking." Ben was impressed by how well the flat looked.

"Most of it yeah, I need to buy more stuff though. It looks empty." He bites into the slice of pizza.

"I think it looks good. Clean and organized." He smiles as he took a slice of pizza as well.

"I want it to be homey." Niall looks over to the living room seeing as he had no furniture. "It looks like a boring dorm room right now."

"Maybe we can go shopping tomorrow." Ben offers.

"That'd be great." He grins. "So, you're staying?" Niall bites his lower lip waiting for him to answer.

"I am." He chuckles. "Only for tonight though, I've got a paper to write."

"Thanks for coming." Niall hugs him tightly getting on his tiptoes to kiss him.

"Anything for my baby." He pulls him closer.

They talk and eat pizza while they listen to some music. Niall lit a candle and made it cozy, he didn't feel like turning all the lights on, only the kitchen light was on. After they finished they both go into the bedroom.

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