I broke him

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'My rose garden dreams, set on fire by fiends
And all my black beaches are ruined
My celluloid scenes are torn at the seams
And I fall to pieces, bitch
I fall to pieces when I'm with you'


"Love, please calm down." Harry had Niall in his arms, he was trying to comfort him as he cried into his chest.

"I c-couldn't do it," Niall held onto Harry.

"What couldn't you do baby?" He leads him to the lounge room where he sits him down on the armchair. He kneels in front of him but it seemed like all Niall wanted was to be held because he was quick to sit on his knee and bury his face in the crook of his neck. "What's wrong, princess?"

"I'm the worst." He cries out, he had gone all the way to go see Ben but in the last second he turned around and left. He left because he was too scared. I'm a coward.

"No you're not." Harry rubbed his back, he wasn't the best in comforting people but when it came to Niall, he'd do anything to make him feel better.

"Wh—why do you love me?" Niall mumbles.

"Well, to keep it short, I love you because you are you..... And because you have the kindest heart, you're very generous, you have the prettiest smile, your eyes are beautiful— my favorite shade of blue." He starts to play with his hair.

"That wasn't short." He giggles, blushing at Harry's kind words.

"I wasn't done," Harry chuckles. "But, all in all, I love you more than I love myself. And I hate seeing you like this, my love."

"I love you more." Niall leans back to look at him with tears in his eyes.

"That's impossible, my dear." He wipes his tears away. "Why are you crying?"

"Eline told me she saw Ben at a bar," He pauses. "He didn't look well. It's all my fault. I hurt him.... I broke him."

"Niall, that's not true—"

"Yes it is. Don't you see? I'm the one who cheated on him, the one who lied, the one who hurt him." Niall starts to cry once again, he couldn't hold it together.

"Please don't cry, Ni." Harry hates seeing him like this, he isn't sure what to tell him. After all he is the reason why him and Ben had broken up. I'm the one to blame.

"Sorry, I'm such an emotional wreck right now and it's probably annoying,"

"From far that actually," He tilts his head up. "I hate seeing you upset."

"I need to t-talk to him." Niall gives him a small smile when Harry wipes away his tears.

"I understand." He sighs. "Do you want to talk to him today?"

"Yeah but I don't know if he's there." He regrets not talking to him when he was already there. "Eline said he goes out every night, and it's quite late now."

"Where does he live?" Harry wasn't sure if Niall had ever told him.

"He lives in Brighton but he's been staying with one of his friends here in London. He's not far from here actually." He removes himself from Harry's lap and goes over to the window. "What if he's angry at me? What if he hates me?" He asks afraid Ben would snap at him as soon as he saw him.

"That's impossible, love, no one could ever hate you. You're too lovable,"

"Haz," Niall almost whines, he appreciated that Harry was trying to comfort him.

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