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'But I think it's time to let you go
To let your heart find a home
I need to let you go'


"Niall?" Shawn steps aside to let Niall inside.

"What the hell happened?" Niall widens his eyes when he sees Shawn's beaten up face. He wasn't expecting to see him this beaten up.

"Some asshole got upset." He shuts the door and follows Niall into his lounge room.

"Shawn, you never get into fights. In fact this is your first fight ever! I doubt it was some asshole." Niall narrows his eyes at him, he knew he was hiding something.

"I was drunk." He sighs.

"It's not like you to get into a fight though."

"I... I saw Louis and Liam— I was mad at them for leaving you all alone when you needed someone the most." Shawn explains sitting down on the sofa.

"They were there?" Niall furrows his brows, he sits on the other side of the sofa.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Harry was there as well. It seems like he's everywhere we go. But I'm glad I didn't see him, I would've probably yelled at him too." He was ashamed of himself for turning an argument into a fight.

"I... maybe.. yeah he was there." Niall blushes glancing down at his shoes.

"You saw him?" Shawn looks at him.

"I did." Niall nods slowly.

"Did you two talk?"

"A bit, yeah. He's the one that took me home." He fiddles with his fingers avoiding Shawn's stare.

"Wait, what!?" He asks bewildered, he would've never thought this new Harry would show he still cared for the smaller lad.

"I was fucking drunk, and I was being stupid.."

"Did you two—" He motions with his hand not wanting to say it.

"No! Fuck no, Shawn. We didn't do anything. I would never do that to Ben." Niall looks at him feeling his cheeks heating up even more.

"I know is just that you two, you know dated." He awkwardly says.

"No matter how drunk I am I will never cheat on Ben." Niall says in a serious tone. "Never."

"You're a good person." He smiles at him.

"So are you, I mean you shouldn't have fought Louis but I am very grateful you stood up for me." Niall scoots closer and gives him a side hug.

"Aww buddy I'll always stand up for you." He hugs him back. "And I think it was very nice of Harry to take you home. Maybe being an asshole is just an act."

Niall lays his head back and looks up to the ceiling. "I don't know." He whispers.

"It'll be alright." Shawn looks at him, he tries to assure him.

"I hope so."


"Fucking Shawn." Louis grumbles as he iced his eye.

"You were the first one to throw a punch." Harry points out, he was disappointed.

"He was talking shit, he thinks he knows everything." He spits out. "If only he knew what actually happened."

"Alright calm down."

"You can't say shit, you fucking disappeared and never came back for us. We had to walk back over here." Louis glares at him.

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