Perfectly imperfect

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"I don't want to leave, but, it's time. I need to go back to work, I want you to promise me you'll look after your heart. That you won't let anyone play with it." Bobby hugs Niall tightly. "I know that I can't protect you from everything, I wish I could though. You're my son, and I want you to be happy.... and if you're happy with Harry then you should be with him. Even if the trust I had for him has banished, I trust you."

"Dad, I appreciate you looking out for me. And I'm sad that you have to leave, please don't feel like I didn't want you here. I love having you here." Niall hugs him back just as tightly. "Harry is a good person. Please don't be hard on him, he really does love me, and I love him."


"I know you and Ben became quite good friends, just like you and Harry." He reminds him. "You used to call him your son from another pair."

"He was a good kid—"

"He is, dad, he still is." Niall steps back.

"He's got all these tattoos and he smokes, and—"

"Are you really judging him for that?" He shakes his head. "You always taught me to never judge anyone because at the end of the day, we're all perfectly imperfect."

"You've become quite the wise lad, I'm proud." Bobby smiles. "Call Harry."

"What?" Niall asks confused.

"Invite him over." He chuckles at Niall's shocked expression.

"You're not going to hit him are you?" Niall narrows his eyes at him, a bit suspicious.

"Can I?" Bobby smirks. "I'm kidding, I'm too old for that. I'm sure Harry would snap me in half right away, he's gain some muscle. He's not the skinny lad I used to talk to."

"He has," Niall blushes trying not to think about Harry shirtless. "He runs." He adds.

"Ben does too." He presses his lips into a thin line. "Sorry, now go on, bring him over here."

Niall nods slowly, he walks away not sure if this was a good idea or not. It seemed like Bobby was willing to put everything aside and give Harry another chance but he could be wrong. Maybe Bobby wants to threaten him even more. Scare him away. He finds himself standing in front of Harry's wooden door, he stares at it. He takes a deep breath before knocking on it hoping Harry wasn't there. Unfortunately he was and was now standing in front of him looking cute and cuddly.

"Hi, bab—Niall." Harry nervously says looking around the hallway.

"Hey," Niall breathes out.

"What's wrong?" He asks him, noticing right away Niall's nervous demeanor.

"Are you busy?" He pinches his arm, he didn't know why he was so nervous. Cause you should be.

"I was finishing up a blog but that can wait, Ni, what's wrong?" Harry asks again this time taking a hold of both of his hands.

"My dad, he wants to see you." Niall gives him a small smile.

"Me? Why?" He feels his hands go clammy. "Are you sure he wants to see me?"

"Yeah." He steps closer to him, he lays his head on Harry's chest letting go of his hands only to wrap his arms around his waist. "You don't have to go."

"It's fine," Harry kisses the top of his head. "Should we go?"

"Will you give me a kiss?" Niall asks shyly.

"Of course baby." He dips his head placing his lips against Niall's. "I can kiss you all day, you know that love?" He pecks his lips once again.

"I'd love that to be honest." He pulls him down so he could kiss him again.

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