Are you happy?

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All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday'


Niall slowly raises his knuckles on the wooden door and lightly knocks. He feels his heartbeat quicken as he waits for the door to open. After a few minutes of no one opening he decides to try again some other time, as he starts walking away the door is swung open and reveals a shirtless Harry looking quite annoyed.

"What?" Harry glares at Niall.

"Erm hi.." He looks up at him but looks away right away.

"What do you want?" He asks in a harsh tone.

"We need to talk," Niall digs his nails into his thigh trying to calm himself down, he couldn't have a panic attack right now. Calm the fuck down.

"I'm busy." Harry turns around and was about to walk back inside but Niall stops him.

"Please, this is important. We need to talk." He pleads.

"I'm sure it can wait." He pushes Niall off.

"No! It can't." Niall tries once again.

"Tommy is waiting for me, Niall. I don't have time for you." Harry promised himself he wasn't going to let Niall mess with his head anymore. He had Tommy.

"Carter lied to us!" He yells after Harry who was already shutting the door. He watches as Harry opens the door once again and looks at him with a confused look.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He narrows his eyes at him.

"Your cousin filled our heads with lies and doubts about each other, he was the reason we broke up." Niall once again feels his heart start to beat faster, he had to tell him everything. "He... he made us believe that we— I wasn't tired of you Harry, and I never never thought you were holding me back from bettering m-myself,"

Harry couldn't believe what Niall was saying, he was in shock. He wasn't sure how to react or what to say, he hears Tommy whinnying in the background but soon he couldn't hear him anymore, everything seemed to have gone silent. He looks at Niall and sees the state that he is in and wonders if that's how he looked as well.

"H-Harry?" Niall sniffles. "I... I n-never wanted us to breakup b-but I thought y-you wanted to be with D-Derek,"

"Stop." Harry takes a deep breath. "Fucking stop!"

"I'm sorry." He starts to cry harder. "I am so—"

"Harry?!" Tommy yells from inside.

"Fuck," Harry shuts his door and grabs Niall's arm pulling him into Niall's flat. "You can't be serious, about all of this."

"I-I'm not lying!" He wipes away the tears the best he could.

Harry looks into Niall's eyes and he could tell he was being serious, he feels his palms start to go clammy. "Derek is straight, he had a girlfriend— I can't believe this shit. What the fuck!" He wasn't sure what to say, he was beyond angry.

"Z-Zayn he tried to tell you," Niall walks over to his sofa and sits down, he couldn't stand any longer his legs were too shaky he was bound to collapse.

"What?" Harry follows Niall and sits besides him.

"Zayn is the one who told me everything."

"Why now?" He clenches his jaw.

"I know this is hard to—"

"Why now? Why did he fucking decide to bring this up now?" He glares at Niall.

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