What the hell is going on?

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"Thomas?" Louis was so confused, at one point he thought he was dreaming but he wasn't.

"Louis!" Tommy wraps his arms around Louis and hugs him. "Come on in, boys." He glances over at Niall.

"I-I have to go, only came to drop him off..." Niall gives him one last look before quickly walking away.

"That's a fucking shame." He lets go of Louis and walks back inside. "It's Louis."

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Louis accidentally blurts out.

"Louis!" Liam widens his eyes.

"Yes, actually," The brunette laughs it off.

"I'm so fucking confused, why— what the fuck?" He looks between the three. "What is going on? Someone explain to me what the hell is going on!"

"Will you calm dow—"

"No, I will not." He spits out, glaring at Liam. "Did you make your illness up? Did you lie to us?"

"Louis, stop." Harry snaps.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry. I need to know why he's here! Why the fuck are you here?" He points his finger angrily at him.

"Came to visit my friends, is that so wrong—"

"It is, you're supposed to be dead." Louis was becoming frustrated with everyone. Why are they okay with this?

"You're right, but the doctors found a new trial treatment and well miraculously I survived it all." He smiles as he sits besides Harry.

"And you didn't think of calling us? Not once to tell us you were doing alright?"

"I didn't know how I was going to react to it, I didn't want any of you to worry." He pauses. "If the treatment hadn't worked I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself for putting you through all that, so I decided to keep quiet."

Louis' tensed shoulders start to slump slowly, he looks away then back at him. "So it worked?" He asks.

"It did, as soon as the doctor gave me the okay to travel I came over here. You lot are like my family." Tommy places his hand on Harry's thigh. "The people I... love." He felt weird saying the 'l' word, it was his first time saying it and actually meaning it.

"I— erm... Harry?" Louis clears his throat. "Can I talk to you alone?"

"Louis, please." Liam stands up and grabs his arm before pulling Louis away into Harry's guest bedroom.

"What the fuck?" He glares. "What's wrong with you?"

"No, what's wrong with you? Fucks sake, can't you see this is hard on both of them?" He lets go of him.

"Of course I see that! But I also see Harry slowly making a mistake, one that he'll regret for the rest of his life." Louis starts raising his voice.

"What are you talking about?" Liam knits his brows together, he wasn't understanding anything.

"Harry is going to let his emotions and guilt get the best of him and he'll break Niall's heart." He couldn't believe Liam couldn't see that.

"Tommy is back!" He exclaims. "Of course Harry is emotional, shit, you should be too."

"I'm happy to see him well," He defends. "I just don't understand why you're okay with Harry ignoring the fact that he's dating Niall. Niall!!"

"Will you stop yelling!" Liam sighs.

"And will you fucking show you care about Niall?!"

"I care about Niall." He scolds. "And I care about Harry as well as Tommy."

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