You'll be okay

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"Niall? Hey, Niall!" Shawn waves his hand in front of his mate who seemed like he was stuck in a daydream.

"Yeah?" Niall snaps out of it.

"You alright there?" He raises his brow. "What were you thinking about? Who were you thinking about?"

"Ben," He sighs.

"Ben?" He looks at him confused.

"I saw him the other night." Niall hasn't been able to tell Shawn about the date nor that he and Harry were back together, it's been so hectic lately at work.

"Oh, what did he say?" Shawn asks, he was curious to know what happened since Niall seemed like he was affected by it all.

"Nothing, I didn't talk to him." He falters his gaze down to his lap.

"Why not?"

"He was with someone else." Niall breathes out. "I think he was on a date."

"Was he now?" He asks surprised.

"He was and he looked happy." He wasn't sure why he said in such a sad tone.

"Well, he's moving on bud. It's good for him." Shawn tries his best to comfort him.

"I guess you're right, is just that seeing him with someone else wasn't easy. I tried brushing it off which I think I did good but then I kept thinking about him. How fast he's moving on."

"Do you want him to move on?" He asks.

"I... do." Niall rubs his temple.

"You don't sound too sure, Ni." Shawn points out.

"I want him to move on but, I also don't.." He groans. "God, I'm the worst aren't I?"

"No you're not." He shakes his head. "Why didn't you go up to him and talked to him. Maybe he wasn't on a date."

"I couldn't." Niall looks up at him. "I was on a date."

"What?" Shawn wasn't sure if he heard him right.

"I was on a date with Harry." His cheeks heat up.

"With Harry!?"

"Uh yeah... we're together." He nervously taps his fingers on his thighs.

"Since when?" Shawn widens his eyes.

"Since that night." Niall says slowly.

"Fucking hell, Niall. Why didn't you tell me? This is fucking huge!" He couldn't believe it, he was so happy for them but also confused. Confused as to why Niall was feeling a certain way towards Ben possibly moving on. "Wait,"

"What?" He sees Shawn get more comfortable in the arm chair.

"Niall, you're with Harry now." He says.

"I am," Niall nods not really understanding what he's gettin at.

"Why does it bother you so much that Ben is moving on?" Shawn sees the way Niall slumped his shoulders with a sigh slipping his lips once again.

"It's not that I don't want him to move on," He says trying to put into words how he really felt. "I do want him to find someone but not this soon. Fuck, I don't know. I love him.."

"Bud, you're with Harry. You have to let Ben go." He goes over to him and kneels in front of him. "I get that this is really hard on you, but, Ben deserves happiness. As well as you and I know Harry makes you happy."

"You're right but I can't help but feel some type of way." He starts to tear up, something he didn't want to do.

"That's normal, I mean you two were dating for quite a while now. Don't feel bad for feeling upset over it, that only means you care about him." Shawn gently rubs Niall's shoulder.

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