So much fucking anxiety

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'Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home'


"Harry?" Niall mutters nervously as he looked out the window.

"Yes, love?" Harry glances over to him, noticing how nervous he looked. He places his hand on his thigh and gives it a squeeze.

"I— this is my first time going to this type of event. I'm not sure if I'll even fit it." He averts his gaze to the uber driver then at Harry who had a smile on his face making him feel a bit better.

"No need to fit in, princess." He says, "Events like this one is to stand out, and be yourself. I mean have you seen their advertisements? Gucci is known for uniqueness."

"I'm not unique nor am I someone who likes to stand out," Niall lets out a small breath. "This is giving me so much fucking anxiety."

"Baby, I'll be right next to you. You're not going to be alone." He assures him. "We can leave whenever you want." He offers.

"Is there gonna be a lot of people?" Niall asks shyly, he didn't know why he was being such a baby and it only made him think Harry was getting annoyed at him.

"Not a lot, it is a private event and not many people were invited." He looks out the window and sees they were close to arriving. "You look absolutely stunning and I wouldn't be surprised if you get approached by one of the famous stylists asking you to model their designs."

"Haz," Niall blushes. "You're just being silly."

Harry shakes his head with a smile on his face, he cups Niall's face with both hands and leans in to press a light kiss on his lips.

"We're here." The driver clears his throat as he looked at them through the rear view mirror.

"Okay," Harry shoots him a small smile. "You ready, love?" He swings the door open when he sees him nod, he gets out first then sticks his hand out for Niall to take as soon as he gets out. He notices the press taking photos and interviewing people, he looks behind him to see Niall nervously glancing down at the ground. "Baby?"

"Hmm?" Niall harshly collides onto Harry's back.

"Shit, you alright?" He turns to him.

"Sorry, I didn't notice that you stopped." Niall blushes in embarrassment. "Are you gonna go over there?" He points to where everyone was getting interviewed.

"No, I'm not someone they'd like to interview." He chuckles.

"But you're a blogger," Niall frowns. "One of the best ones."

"Thanks, princess." Harry smiles widely, he pecks his lips before taking his hand once again and leading him inside. Chatter was heard from all around them, people with expansive clothes walked around with smiles on their faces. Fake smiles.

"Harry! Come here!"

Niall turns his gaze to a tall lean woman, she was wearing a white long skin tight dress with her hair down and glossy lips. He opens his mouth to ask Harry about her but he didn't have time, she was now standing in front of them pulling Harry into a tight hug causing him to let go of his hand.

"Niomi, hi!" Harry hugs her back.

"It's been such a long time, god I've missed you." She pulls back but doesn't remove her hands from his shoulders.

"Yeah sorry, had to take a break." He apologizes.

"No worries, you should've at least visited me." She gives him a glare but soon laughs. "I'm kidding, we all need a break at times, I totally understand."

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