I'm so fucking happy

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"Why don't you wear that dress again?" Zayn slings his arm over Niall's shoulder loving how flushed his face would get ever time he brought up the dress.

"Zayn," Niall whines in embarrassment. "Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't, don't worry." He smirks. "Are you going to wear it again? Because if you are, I'd like to be there." He teases more.

"Wear what?" Louis walks out from behind them.

"Nothing, he's only being an annoying twat. Take him, please." Niall pushes Zayn towards Louis making him stumble into him.

"Have you talked to Harry?" Louis asks as he tries to balance Zayn out.

"In the morning I did, why?" He becomes concerned.

"He won't answer any of my calls or texts. It could be nothing but then again, I also tried calling Tommy and he won't answer." He quickly adds. "Again, it could be nothing."

"I'll try calling him." Niall rushes to the back and into his office where he grabs his phone and dials Harry's phone, it rings once and then it goes to voicemail. What the hell?

"Any luck?" Louis walks into the office.

"No, it rang at first but now it goes straight to voicemail." He frowns, he didn't want to assume anything but he was starting to think something happened, something bad. "Maybe I should go and see if he's at his flat."

"No, I'll go." He stops him. "You're working."

"It'll be my lunch break, it's fine." Niall shoves his phone in his back pocket and starts heading out.

"Niall, don't." Louis blocks the doorway. "Everything is fine."

"Then why are you here, worrying?" He folds his arms.

"I thought you'd know. I wasn't worrying..." He looks away for a split second then back up at Niall with wide eyes. "Is today the twentieth?"

"Uh.. hang on," Niall slides his phone out and checks. "It is. Why?"

"Shit! I'm a fucking idiot." Louis face palms. "A bloody stupid idiot. Well, I have to go. It was nice seeing you, Ni." He rushes out leaving a very confused Niall.

"He was in a hurry." Zayn walks in after Louis leaves.

"Should I worry?" Niall sits on his desk.

"Worry about what?" He sits down on the chair leaning his back on it.

"About Harry not answering his phone." He says in a 'duh' tone. "Sorry." He blushes when he sees the unamused look he gave him.

"Ni, you're only worrying because Louis' dramatic self came here to make a scene, which was very unnecessary must I say." Zayn smoothly says. "Nothing to worry about, love, nothing to worry about."

"You're right. I'm sure he's fine, I'm sure everything is fine." He says trying to convince himself.

"It is, now, where were we?" He grins mischievously.

"Don't start." Niall whines loudly. "I'm going to check on Eline, bye." He walks away ignoring the whistle coming from Zayn.

"Hey, Niall." Eline stands right in front of him, blocking his sight. "Just to warn you, Be—"


Niall furrows his brows at the very familiar voice, he steps aside to look at Ben. A smile quickly appears on his face as he stepped closer to the blonde lad, he looked very handsome with his hair down. He looked very cuddly in his sweats and hoodie.

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