Fucking soup

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Niall pushes his glasses up as he flipped through a book, he gives a quick glance around the book shop before going back to reading. It's been a very slow day today, he blames the cold rainy weather. He sighs and closes his book after finishing the chapter, he looks at his watch and pouts. Fucking hell.

"Why won't you close the shop early?" Eline, The brown eyed girl with long brown hair says.

"We've only been opened for four hours, Eline." He shakes his head. "I'm not going to close early."

"Alright fine, I'll just die of boredom." She huffs.

He has been managing this book shop for about two years now and he loved it. He has seen many people quit because of how boring it became but that's what he liked about it, it was a very quiet and calming environment. Eline had become one of his favorite employees, not that he will admit it to anyone. They're actually good friends. She was only twenty but very mature for her age, she seemed like she knew what she wanted and he admired her for that.

"Read a book." Niall smiles.

"I might as well." Eline walks over to a book shelf.

"I'm proud of ya!" He yells after her chuckling when she rolls her eyes at him. He hears the door open and he quickly stands straight and is ready to greet the customer. "Hello welc—Ben?" Niall gasps.

"Hi." He walks in soaked from the rain, he walks over to Niall and places a container down on the counter. "Brought you some soup."

"Love, I didn't know you were gonna be in town." Niall quickly helps him take off his wet jacket.

"Thought I'd surprise you." He smiles. "Hi Eline."

"Hi!" She runs over to them with a huge grin.

"You're gonna catch a cold, Ben." Niall glances at the soup then back at Ben.

"But it'll be worth it because my baby will be nice and warm with the delicious soup I made him." He runs his hand through his wet hair.

"You're fucking goals." Eline coos.

"Thank you." Ben chuckles.

"Maybe closing the shop isn't a bad idea, you need to get changed before you catc—" His words get muffled by Ben's lips pressed to his.

"I love you." The blonde pulls away.

"I love you too." Niall pecks his lips once again. "Alright, Eline, lets close up."

"Yes! Thank you for coming Benny!" She hugs the lad and rushes to help Niall close the shop.

"Anytime." He smiles cheekily.

"Wait here, we'll be right out." Niall says before he disappears to the back room. A few minutes later he comes back out with his coat and Eline right behind him.

"This is a one time thing." Niall points his finger at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Ben give him a good fuck, he needs it." She laughs loudly waving to them running out before Niall could say anything.

"Is that so?" Ben smirks.

"Oh shut up." Niall blushes, he grabs the container letting it warm up his hands as they both jogged towards the car. "Bloody cold out." He quickly gets in and turns on the car putting the heat on blast.

"Why don't we go just sit here for a bit?" Ben intertwines his fingers to Niall's.

"Okay." Niall nods. "We can eat the soup."

"It's for you baby." He smiles.

"We can share."

"Always so generous." Ben laughs.

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