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"Let him be, don't try and talk to him." Louis gives Niall a serious look. "He was in the wrong, not you. He comes to you not the other way 'round."

"I don't even know what happened? I'm confused! What if I was the one who was in the wrong? He didn't tell me anything!" Niall exclaims, he was frustrated.

"He threw you out, he's in the wrong." He pats the spot next to him.

"He didn't—"

"Niall, don't blame everything on yourself. That's not healthy." Louis watches him saunter over to him and sit next to him. "We have such crappy boyfriends."

"You and Liam fought?" Niall asks, he didn't agree with what he said but he didn't want to argue.

"We fight every fucking day, and every time it's my fault. Well, according to Liam anyway." He rolls his eyes. "Maybe he's right, to be fair though he's been on my ass lately and it pisses me off. Everything I do isn't right."

"I'm sorry," He wasn't sure what to say and that's all he could really think of.

"We should leave." Louis gets an idea, a brilliant one.

"Leave? Leave where?" Niall furrows his brows.

"To America." He sees the confusion in his eyes so he continues. "Look, you need to get away from him for a bit. Get away from all the disagreements that turn into fighting, the fucking ridiculous jealousy, and especially get away from feeling like you're suffocating and it'd be better off if you two go your separate ways because you don't have anything in come anymore—"


"Niall, all I'm saying is you need some time away from all this. And I'm willing to go with you." He glances away from Niall's intense stare.

"Are you and Liam alright?" Niall asks, none of what he had mentioned were problems he and Harry had.

"Fuck no, he's being a fucking dumbass." Louis stands up and starts pacing around the room. "And he's always throwing it in my face that I chose to be with him every time we fight, that pisses me off even more." He rants out.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks smiling when the Doncaster lad stops his pacing to look at him.

"California? Maybe Canada even." He smirks. "Wherever."

"That's pretty far." Niall points out.

"Well yeah, the further the better." Louis goes over to him again and sits down.

"What about Brighton?" He missed living in Brighton, he's thought about moving back.

"Isn't it where your ex lives?" He cocks his brow.

"No—Yeah, he does live there." He wanted to lie because Louis wouldn't want to go there for that reason, he just couldn't lie.

"Let's go there." Louis claps his hands together, he didn't care where they were going to go, all he wanted was a break from everything, a break from Liam.

"Wait, really?" Niall was surprised to say the least.

"Yes, now go pack." He nudges him slightly.

"Is it okay if I invite Shawn?" He asks shyly, he still didn't feel too comfortable with Louis. He needed Shawn.

"Sure." Louis shrugs as he lays down once Niall stands up. "Wake me up when you're ready."

"Oh... okay." Niall slowly walks away to his bedroom. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea but it seemed like Louis really needed a break from everything and Niall couldn't say no to him. The reason why he's also dragging Shawn with him, to make sure neither of them made a stupid mistake.

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