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"Look at us oldies going to a club!" Ben jokes.

"What do you mean us? Talk for yourself mister." Niall laughs.

"You're right." The blonde glances over at him.

"Please pay attention to the road." Shawn says from the backseat.

"Am I the designated driver?" Ben asks.

"You are. Niall and I need to let loose." He smiles feeling giddy for tonight. "I mean if you don't mind."

"Of course not. I'll keep an eye on both of you." He winks at Niall making him giggle.

"Honestly, we should've just walked." Shawn says when he sees the bright lit up sign of the club come into view.

"If we lose each other, we'll meet here." Ben points to the car as they started to walk towards the crowded club.

"I feel like a child." Shawn mutters.

"You are one." Niall sticks his tongue out at him.

"You sure about that?" He raises his brow.

"Come on, lets find somewhere to sit." Ben takes a hold of Niall's hand and leads them to an empty booth he luckily found.

They all sit and chat for a bit then they start to order drinks. Ben kept reminding them it wasn't a competition for who can get drunk first. He would also scold Niall when he'd try to steal someone's drink.

"No, love. That drink isn't yours." Ben apologizes to the woman giving Niall a dirty look for taking her drink.

"Oh but it is!" He tries to reach for the drink but the woman had had enough and slapped his hand away. "Ouch." He pouts.

"What the hell?" Ben glares at her and pulls Niall away from the bar. "You okay?" He asks examining his hand.

"What happened?" Shawn asks.

"I got bitchslapped." Niall exclaims.

"On your hand?" He watches Ben kiss Niall's hand.

"Aggressive lady!" Niall yells looking back at her with a pout.

"Sit, baby." Ben started to regret coming here.

"It's all about drinking until you feel numb—What the fuck??!" Shawn stands up.

"What?" Ben asks confused.

"I gotta go." He walks away into the crowd.

"I should go get him." Ben tells Niall who was laying down on the booth and giggling at god knows what.

"Yeah, yeah." Niall dismisses him.

Ben gives him one last glance before leaving to look for Shawn. He looks around the club and sighs. It takes him a while until he spots Shawn with two other lads, he approaches them slowly.

"You're all assholes!" Shawn clenches his jaw.

"Mate, keep it down."

"What? You don't want anyone to know how shitty you two are?" He yells even louder. "How could you turn your back on him?!"

"Oh fuck off! You left, you don't know what happened."

"Both of you are pieces of shit!" He hears Ben calling his name but he ignores. "And Zayn too."

"Walk away now before—"

"He trusted you!! He needed someone to comfort him too! You took his side. You left him alone." Shawn steps closer.

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